Chapter 28

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Well, the holidays were a blast and very eventful. Christmas was fine and then by New Year's my parents were no longer on speaking terms—no surprise there. So instead of celebrating the New Year together, we all ended up doing our own thing. I went out with Lexi while our moms did their own thing and I have no clue what my father did. I expected nothing less from my dysfunctional family.      

The start of the New Year also brings the start of the new semester and I'm thankful for being back in California. I'm relieved to get away from the drama.   

Mia and I are currently walking up to the football house where we're going to eat and hangout. I haven't seen anyone since I left for break a couple weeks back and to be honest, I'm kind of dying to see Blake's tattoo. I'm sure it's bad enough to tease about for a while since he refused to show it to me earlier.        

When we walk in, all the guys are lounging on the couches, greeting us when they see us. Mia goes to sit with Sam and I walk right up to Blake, not wasting anymore time. I'm antsy with anticipation.

"Show me," I demand.       

I hear some of the guys laugh and the others trying hard not to. I look around the room. "What, is it that bad?" I ask, amused.         

No one answers and they all refuse to make eye contact now. Oh, this must be good. I turn back to Blake and ask, "where is it? You said you'd show me."     

Blake stands up without a word and pulls his shirt over his head. It takes me a second to spot and when I do, my teasing mood evaporates into thin air. I look at it and blink several times, willing it away. This can't be real. The room is silent. No one makes a sound and I cautiously glance up at Blake.

"What is that?" I ask, hoping he'll tell me it's not what I think it is.

His left peck is decorated with an S and B with Roman numerals underneath it. I can't stop looking at it as I flick my eyes from his to the tattoo and back, waiting for him to speak. His hand goes through his thick strands of hair, a nervous tick of his I've noticed.

"It's your initials and the day we met," he responds carefully, gauging my reaction.             

I don't know why, but I burst into laughter even though I don't find this funny at all. Dread fills my body before I can even ask the question. "Blake, you're joking, right?" I scan the room questioning everyone, "this is a joke, right?"       

Everyone's lack of response gives me an answer that speaks volumes. I turn back to Blake. "Why would you get that tattooed of all things?"      

He shrugs. "You're important to me, and now I have something to keep you close to me all the time. Are you mad?"           

Am I mad? The simple answer is no. I'm not mad because it's his tattoo, not mine. I am however, caught off guard. I mean, this is a lot and I'm not even sure if he thought this through. What is his future wife going to feel about him having another women's initials over his heart?

But if I'm being honest, the initials are something I could easily look past. It's the date underneath that has me more than uncomfortable. The poor bastard permanently got the wrong date tattooed on his chest. It's also going to be this weird fucking reminder for me of our past and how he has no clue how big of a role he's played in it.

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