Chapter 8

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I'm back at my dorm now, where Blake dropped me off and then left for practice. My thoughts have been wandering ever since we left the restaurant though. Blake's words keep replaying in my mind and I can't help but question why he thinks I'm different. What is it that makes him think I'm anything special? The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that it's nothing more than the thrill of the chase. He's used to everything falling into his lap, especially girls. I only stand out to him because I'm a challenge. His next conquest, nothing more. Honestly, I get it. He's bored and I'm a shiny new toy that will keep him entertained for a while. But I won't let him cure his boredom at my expense. I can't stop him from trying but I can make sure things don't go too far. And they won't because I won't let them.         

Mia walks out of her bedroom with a shocked expression. "Did I just see you walking out of Blake Sterling's car, or am I going insane?"       

It pains me to admit it out loud, so I just nod my head answering her question, finding the floor extremely interesting all of the sudden.       

"Nope. I'm going to need more than that." Her tone tells me she won't give up so easily.               

"I don't know what you want me to say. He found me in the library, said he wanted to be friends and then took me out to lunch."        

I look up and see her jaw is pretty much on the floor. "He said he wants to be friends and took you out for lunch?"          


"Okay... that's not weird at all."          

"I know it's weird, okay? It's really fucking weird but what am I supposed to do about it? Believe me when I say this is the last thing I wanted."      

"Listen, I'm not saying this to be a bitch, but Blake Sterling doesn't do girlfriends, girls that are friends or any of that. I care about you and I don't want to see you getting hurt so just be careful, okay?"           

"I know, you're right and I appreciate it."       

She gives me a hug and then asks if I want to watch a movie. So that's what we do. I go make some popcorn and she picks something on Netflix. She picks out some sappy romance and I don't have the heart to tell her I'm not exactly a fan of that specific genre. Rom-coms are as far as I'm willing to go. The comedy part makes up for the rest of it.              

Two movies later, we called it a night and I just finished getting ready for bed. I walk into my room and decide to call Lexi because I miss her, and I feel like we haven't spoken for a while even though it's only been two days. I also need someone to talk to about the recent events in my life and how they've taken a turn for the worst. I call Lexi and she answers on the first ring. 

"Bitch where have you been? You move to California and all the sudden you can't be bothered to talk to your best friend?"          

Always so dramatic. "I missed you too, Lexi. How have you been?" I reply sarcastically.              

"Same old. Not much has really changed back here except for the fact that it's starting to get cold as fuck. What about you? I'm dying to know how life is in California. Anything exciting happened?"            

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