Chapter 20

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Do you ever wake up because you really have to go pee, but you know it's too early and you desperately want to cling to those last blissful moments of sleep? Well, that's me right now. I have to go pee so badly, but I'm having an internal battle because I don't want to actually get up. This internal battle however, has woken me up enough to realize where I am and who exactly I'm with.         

I'm currently laying half on top of Blake with my head on his chest and my leg haphazardly thrown over both of his. Did I mention I was currently laying on his bare chest? Well, I have recently realized that he's shirtless. I hate to admit it's not the most uncomfortable position in the world. In my defence, this tiny bed was not meant for two people, so I'm going to blame it on that.          

Unfortunately, my bladder wins this round when I admit defeat and reluctantly try to get up. Try being the key word. Every time I lift an inch, Blake's massive arm stops me. Does this bitch ever sleep?           

"Where do you think you're going?" he asks me, his voice low and raspy with sleep. His morning voice sends a literal chill down my spine.      

"I have to go pee."            

He grunts in protest and instead of letting me go, holds me tighter.     

"Blake, let me go."            

"Come to my game today."          

"What?" It's way too early for this and my brain isn't working at full capacity yet. It's like an iPhone on low power mode. Not to mention I still really have to go pee.    

"Our first game is today, and I want you there," he says, as if it's so obvious.   

"No offence, but I don't know the first thing about football and I don't really want to sit there watching a bunch of random guys run after a ball for hours."     

He snorts. "You wouldn't be watching a bunch of random guys, you'd be watching me."              

"Cocky much?"            

I feel him shrug under me. "I'm not cocky but I am the best, so you won't be able to take your eyes off of me."           

This has me laughing. "Oh my God, how did you get that ego of yours to fit in this room?"              

He's smiling now too. "All jokes aside, I want you there."     

"Why? I won't even be able to tell if you're really that good or plain terrible."   

"Doesn't matter, I want to be able to look up into the stands and see you there."   

I sigh. "Is Mia going?"           

"I'm pretty sure."            

Reluctantly, I answer, "okay."         

"Okay? So, you'll be there?"          

"I'll be there."             

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