Chapter 33

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It's only been a week since we officially got together and started dating but so far so good. I don't know what the future holds but as of right now, I'm really happy.

Blake has always been really attentive to me but ever since we started dating, he's literally put me on a pedestal. It's as if he's constantly trying to prove himself when he doesn't have to. I feel as if I'm to blame for that. I feel bad thinking about how he's trying to prove himself because of my own insecurities. I'm scared that he thinks he's not good enough when he's my everything. I was scared to be in a relationship because of my past and what I saw growing up, and that has nothing to do with him. I'll spend the rest of my life reassuring him if I have to.                                              

I finally ended up telling Mia the whole story about the first time Blake and I actually met. I also ended up telling her the part that still, even Blake doesn't know about. To say she was shocked is an understatement.

Once that shock simmered down, she started obsessing over how we were literally destined to be together. I'm not sure I completely agree with her but at the same, it's quite the coincidence. How is it that I intentionally picked Blake because I thought we would never cross paths again, only to end up here? I still can't completely wrap my head around it.      

It's Saturday and we are just chilling in his room watching a random movie. He's eating popcorn and I'm munching on the skittles he keeps stocked in his bed side table for me.   

It's nice because we have the type of relationship where we don't have to be doing anything overly exciting to enjoy each other's company. It's enough for us to just be in each other's presence.                             

When the door opens abruptly, it makes me jump slightly in surprise. Looking towards the door, I catch a glimpse of a bubbly Mia standing at the door, just staring at us like a creep.            

"Mia?" I ask in a way that hopefully portrays, what the fuck?                                                                        

That seems to bring her back down to earth. "Oh, sorry! I just wanted to say hi to the lovebirds," she says, grinning like an idiot. It's as if she's mesmerized by our relationship and she likes to observe from a distance sometimes.  

I'm sure it has something to do with the magical powers—according to her—that brought the two of us together. I don't bother asking because I really don't want to know. It's better to just let Mia do Mia sometimes, rather than question her.                                             

I give her an unimpressed expression and Blake just laughs beside me. Mia then walks in and takes a seat on the edge of the bed.                                             

"I'm sorry, I know I'm being kind of weird, but I just can't get over how perfect your story is. Sam and I have the same basic story that nearly every other couple has. The first time he asked me out was in our school parking lot." She gives me a deadpanned expression. "I love Sam but I'm not too crazy about our story. That's why I'm living vicariously through you guys."         

Blake looks to me with a smirk. "She's not wrong." Despite my best efforts, I couldn't stop myself from rolling my eyes.                                             

"Seriously, if you never had that crazy idea about finding someone random to lose your virginity to, the two of you would have never met." Mia laughs as if she's recalling a fond memory and I tense on the spot.    

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