Chapter 23

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The offensive sound of an alarm going off wakes me from my peaceful slumber. The familiar feeling of a heavy weight slung across my body tells me exactly where I am.             

"Blake," I groan.             

"Hmm," he hums in response.          

"Tell your alarm to fuck off," I mumble, still half asleep.       

"That's not mine," he responds.          

With my eyes still closed, my eyebrows furrow, trying to process the information. If it's not his, then whose is it and how do I make it stop?       

It takes a few seconds for realization to hit but once it does, it has me jolting upright.              


My panicked remark has Blake slowly getting up, looking at me with a half questioning, half asleep look on his face. "What?"        

"I have an early morning class today. It's Monday," I whine while gathering my things. I'm still in yesterday's travel outfit—consisting of sweats—which I may or may not have been wearing for over twenty four hours. If I go back to my dorm, I won't be making it in time for my first class. I'm mumbling profanities under my breath while trying to figure out how I'm going to get to class on time and not look like a complete disgrace. I've never been one to put much effort into my appearance, but this is a new low, even for me.           

"Do you want me to drive you back to your dorm?" he asks me in a sleep husky voice.               

"I don't have time to go back and I don't have any clean clothes to change into." I'm practically ripping my hair out, tugging at the poor strands in frustration.    

"You can borrow something from me."         

I give him an are you kidding me look but he doesn't even spare me a second glance. Instead, he walks up to his dresser and pulls out a t-shirt which he promptly chucks at me. Unraveling the fabric from my face where it landed, I inspect it. It's not ideal but at least I won't smell during my classes today.       

Without thinking, I remove my sweatshirt and drop it on the bed before reaching for the t-shirt again and putting it on. It's a little baggy but not too bad, so I tie a knot on the side and call it a day.            

Looking up, I see Blake staring at me with wide eyes in a trans-like state. I raise my eyebrows, questioning him. I know he of all people has seen his fair share of girls in bras. He seems to snap out of it because he clears his throat and shakes his head. "I think we have some pants for you too."        

"From where?" I ask, confused.          

He seems uncomfortable all of the sudden and rubs the back of his neck before answering. "Uh, we have some clothes in the laundry room from people who forgot them..." he trails off.            

I scoff. "Blake, I am not wearing one of your skank's leftover pants. Plus, how the fuck does someone forget their pants?"          

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