Chapter 29

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I walk into the football house with a bright smile and pep in my step. I'm manifesting for things to go my way. Once I'm inside, I see that all the guys have congregated in the living room. Everyone is spread out and relaxed on the couches and watching something on the tv.          

"Hey guys!" I exclaim with a wide grin and a little too cheerfully, even for my own ear. I have to dial it down a bit. Noted.          

Everyone greets me or at the very least grunts in response, everyone that is, except for Blake. He narrows his eyes at me in suspicion—as he should. He knows me well enough by now to know I'm up to something—which I am.      

I turn to Blake. "Blake, how was your day today?"

His eyes narrow even further before asking, "what do you want?"     

I click my tongue in mock offense. "Am I not allowed to ask how your day went without having ulterior motives?"           

He gives me a look that tells me he's not buying my bullshit. "You can, but you don't. You never randomly come here just to ask me about my day, so I know for a fact that you're up to something."

He's absolutely right, but I definitely won't be telling him that.               

"You know what? As your friend, I find the fact that you think so poorly of me very hurtful. If you don't want me here, then I'll just go." I turn and start to leave but his voice stops me, like I knew it would.           

"I didn't say I didn't want you here. I just said you were up to something. Since you're clearly such a caring friend, stay and hangout with us."      

"Are you sure you want me to?" I ask and he rolls his eyes at me before patting the open space beside him on the couch. I walk over and sit down, not missing everyone's amused expressions.           

I last about ten minutes before my facade cracks. "Blake, do you want to go somewhere with me?"         

He turns his head to face me with a smirk and asks, "where exactly?"      

This is where we encounter a slight problem because I know that if I tell him where I want to go, he for sure won't want to. "It's a surprise. It'll be so much fun." For me. It'll be so much fun for me. Blake will completely hate it.       

He shakes his head. "I'm not going anywhere until to you tell me what I'm signing up for first."              

I groan. "Why do you have to be so difficult? Can't you for once just do something I ask without questioning it?"           

"I'm difficult?" He raises his eyebrows at me. "You're the one that strolled in here acting suspicious, claiming you don't want anything. I know you're up to something so I'm not agreeing to shit until you tell me exactly what you want." His tone is matter of fact and final, making me want to glare at him, while everyone in the room is trying to hide their snickers.             

"I want you to go to a cat cafe with me," I mumble.       

"I'm sorry what was that?" he asks even though I know he fucking heard me.   

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