Chapter 12

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It's hot. It's so fucking hot I'm starting to break a sweat. The light pooling in through the window is making me squint my eyes when I try to open them. I can already hear my mom's voice reprimanding me, "don't squint, you're going to get wrinkles!" I wasn't too worried. Maybe it would cure my chronic baby face.      

When my eyes finally adjust to the light in the room, I realize I'm in a room I don't recognize. Panic washes over me in an instant. I try to abruptly get up but there is a weight grounding me to the bed. I'm lying on my side and as my eyes trail all the way down my body, I see a large arm wrapped tightly around my waist. And when I feel the cool breath fanning the back of my neck, it all comes back to me.

I remember where I am and realize it's Blake, that's holding me. We must have fallen asleep while watching the show last night. I don't know what time it is and I have no clue where my phone is. I try to wiggle out of his grasp and as I do, I hear a deep grunt from behind me.

It's then that I realize there's something big and hard pressing into me from behind. Instinctively, I jerk, trying to move away.            

"If you keep doing that, we are going to have a problem," Blake's sleep heavy voice informs me from behind.

"Sorry to inform you, but you already have a problem, and I would appreciate it, if it wasn't digging into my back," I retort.          

I can feel Blake inhale to respond but before he can start, his door flies open.

"Blake where the fu—" Matt bursts in through the door and his eyes go wide.

"Oh. My bad. Didn't mean to interrupt." He says the last part with a knowing smirk.   

Blake releases a tired breath and I slap his arm away and bolt upright on the bed. "You are not interrupting anything," I quickly get out.        

"Mhmm, sure. Whatever you say," Matt chuckles. "I have never seen a girl in Blake's room before, never mind staying the night."        

"I'm serious. Get that stupid look off your face. We just fell asleep watching Netflix yesterday." I get off the bed and start looking for my phone.      

"Is there a reason as to why you're here Matt, or are you just going to stand there like an idiot?" Blake asks after a minute of awkward silence.       

"Well, I was just going to ask where you were last night, but I guess I got my answer," Matt replies.            

I turn around to face him and give him my best death glare. He almost immediately puts his hands up in surrender. "I know, I know. Nothing happened." The way he says it tells me he doesn't believe that for a second and I get this distinct urge to chuck something at him.

Fortunately, Blake beats me to it and throws a pillow at him. Matt dodges the pillow with ease and laughs as he exits Blake's room.            

Blake gets up from the bed and reaches his arms up and over his head as he stretches and yawns. His shirt lifts enough for me to see a good portion of his sculpted abs and I need to force my eyes to look away before he can catch me staring. To distract myself, I shuffle through my bag looking for a hair elastic to tame my hair, which I'm sure looks like a complete mess.          

"Breakfast?" Blake asks me.          

Looking at him I ask, "are you cooking again?"

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