Author's Note

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Ohayo! Again, sorry this isn't the update you were looking for. I promise tomorrow, I will be sending out multiple one-shots. So please, bear with me right now.

As you guys know, I asked whether I should/should not create a collection of Haikyuu!! one-shots. Well you guys-such adorable cuties-replied positively, saying you would like the one-shots.

Well let me be the first to say that it is officially up and running! I am busy with requests that have been asked, so of course, requests won't be taken in. But please feel free to read and give constructive criticism or story plots you would like to see. Again, I do not do lemon because it makes me uncomfortable when writing it, but anything FLUFFY is fine! I LOOOVE fluff, okay?

So yeah. Thank you all who commented and gave feedback, you guys are the best and very deserving of the request I am writing for you.

Much love, Kougou-sama

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