[ Himuro ] - What would you do without me?

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"I told you for the second time already, I don't know how to cook, Himuro." You sighed, dreadfully walking to the brightly lit kitchen filled with cooking utensils laid out. Himuro just chuckled, leading you closer to your worst nightmare with his hand gently pressed on your back.

"It is easy, I'll show you what to do, (F/N)-chan." He smiled, dropping his hand to his side. "But first, put this on." He reached around you, grabbing two aprons. One had (Favorite color) plaids and white bows, while the other was just plain white. "You can have the cuter one."

"Thanks.." You slid your head through the hole, trying to tie the straps behind you. "Erm... T-this is dumb, Himuro." You pout, struggling with the straps that just wouldn't seem to tie together. Again, Himuro just chuckled, grabbing the straps from your hands.

"What would you do without me, (F/N)-chan?" He looped the straps together, pulling tightly on it, but not too tight that you were uncomfortable.

"I wouldn't be cooking, that's for sure." You retorted, waiting for him to finish the perfectly tied bow.

"Ah, true." He stepped back from you as you turned to face the black-haired teen. "Now, let's start."

[ Time Skip ]


"Be more gentle to the vegetables, they did nothing wrong to you." Your friend shook his head as you were violently chopping the leafy greens. You held the butcher knife with both hands, just slamming the silver blade down that sent pieces of the vegetable flying.

"I am gentle!" You shout over the loud thumps of your blade hitting the cutting board. Himuro quickly stopped you, cupping his warm hands over your white-knuckled hands.

"Remember, one hand has to hold the vegetable while the other cuts nicely." He moves your non-dominant hand onto the carrot waiting to be cut. "Just like this, (F/N)-chan." He slowly sliced the carrot smoothly. "See?"

"Erm. I got it, Himuro." You nod, attempting to imitate his smooth motions by yourself. "Himuro, I don't see why I have to learn how to cook." You frown, getting frustrated with the stupid carrot in your wet hands.

"(F/N)-chan, do we have to have this conversation again?" He was wiping his hands with a (Favorite color) cloth before putting it down beside the cutting board. "You were the one that said you wanted to learn how because Atsushi was being mean to you."

"He was being mean! He said that no boy would ever waste their time on me because I couldn't cook and if they did, they were losers." You dropped the blade onto the cutting board which startled Himuro. It honestly did piss you off when Murasakibara said that.

"...Well, I am spending my time with you, aren't I?" Himuro responded quietly as you felt two hands cupping your shoulders. "So I guess I'm a loser that likes you." He softly chuckled behind you, his warm breath radiating on the back of your neck.

"Y-you mean that, Himuro?" You stuttered, blushing at what he had just said.

"I do, if only you'll take me." He answered, moving his arms around your waist to hug you from behind.

"T-that sounds great.." You try to hide the big smile forming on your face by biting your bottom lip. "Thank you Himuro." You drop back slightly, feeling your back pressed against his toned and sturdy chest.

"No problem (F/N)-chan." He pecked your warm red cheek before letting you go. "Now how about we leave everything here and get something to eat?"


"Oh, and don't worry about learning how to cook. I'll cook all our meals for us." Himuro untied the bow to your apron, giving you another kiss on your cheek.



A/N: Sorry for the really slow update. As you know, I have school and all, plus my Haikyuu!! one-shots being released (Which I recommend you read \(^O^)/ ), I am super busy. So I hope this is good enough, and I apologize if it isn't.

Until next time, Kougou-sama


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