TJI 1: Love At First Sight [1] ♡

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I have decided to make a TJI because I thought it would be fun :)

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In the media box you can watch Theo James SINGING! Read while listening to him!
Why is he so talented :O

Here you are loves!

~ Meh

♡ ♡ ♡

You step out into the cold night, as soon as you do; the wind bites at your bare arms. You inwardly sigh as you lock the front door. You aren't bothered to go back in and get a jacket. Besides, you're friend needs you; you can't let her down now.
That motivates you to walk down the street towards her house.
You pull your beanie over your ears, and look at the ground. Just as you're doing that you smash right into something, hard.
Well, at least you think it's an object; you can't really tell. The impact in the hit is enough to make you stumble backwards for a few steps.

"Are you okay?" A low British accent cuts through the cold air.

You regain your posture and look up to see a handsome face staring right back at you. You recognise him instantly as your friends celebrity crush, Theo James, and now you see why she likes him so much. Then you realise that his surprising concern his growing and you are taking to long to answer a simple question.

"U-Um I'm good." You say while your teeth stutter like mad, either because of the cold or him.

Once this gentleman realises that you're okay, his dimples show and you see a brilliant smile flash.

"You're good?" He smirks.

"I'm good." You return his smirk with one of your own.

"So, what is a pretty girl doing outside in the dead of night?" He asks.

"Oh, my friends upset, so I was going to see her." You blush.

"Okay then, well I better let you go." He said.

"'Kay, bye." You said to him, but neither of you moved.

"What's your name?" He asks casually, breaking the silence.

"Y/n." You retort.

"Nice to meet you y/n." He replies with a small smile.

"You too Theo."

He seems a little taken aback at that, when you said his name, but then he quickly recovers and realises he is a celebrity.
How could forget that you're a celebrity?! You ponder.

"I have to go y/n, see you later."

He walks away so casually at that and you stare at his back. Feeling disappointed and surprised that he left so quick and ended the conversation like that, you continue you're way to you're friends house. Ecstatic about telling her about you're encounter with Theo James.

♡ ♡ ♡

What do you think so far? Comment you're feedback!
Sorry if it's short :/

I will be posting more soon my lovelies!

Also I want to say that if you want me to continue a certain chapter, then comment in that chapter: :)
And I'll take that into account and most likely continue that scenario - majority wins

~ Meh

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