TJI 37: I Do . . . Not [1] ♡

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I can't write romance. I'm sorry. A reader gave me some words to base imagines on and I tried.

I truly did.

If it were up to me, you and Theo would be dead or dying in every single imagine.


You step out of the undoubtedly expensive sleek limousine. You close your eyes and take a deep breath. You glance at the bouquet of various coloured roses and smooth out your pearly white dress.

Today was the day. The day you and Theo were to get married.

After today, you and Theo's lives will change. You'll progressively live together. And have children.

Was this the right choice?


You gulped. Taking another deep breath, you stepped into the aisle that would lead you to your doom.

New life. I mean new life.

You place a huge grin on your face as the audience clapped you in.

A few steps in, you realised somehow was wrong. Wasn't the groom meant to be already up there? Ready to marry his lawfully wedded wife?

Well he wasn't.

This information panicked you and you practically ran up to the priest to ask about Theo.

"He'll be here soon, don't worry." He whispered quickly back as to not attract attention from the audience.

Five minutes.

No Theo.

Was he having second thoughts?

No, he was certain he wanted to marry you.

Was he stuck in traffic?

If you got there fast and he was meant to get there before you, it wasn't possible.

Did he have a car crash?

No, they would have news of it by now.

So where was he?

By now, your eyes had glazed over and you were ready to go home.

Eventually, some news come in.

But not good news.

Theo was in hospital.

On your wedding day.

With a bullet stuck in his head.


um okay so three things

1) this is very short (300 words)
2) because I had to force it out of me
3) because I didn't want to leave you guys with nothing you know

here you go, my forced pregnancy imagine thingy


- em

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