TJI 14: Love At First Sight [4] ♡

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For savannahmay123 for the votes! Thank you :)

I'm updating earlier recently, are you proud of me ;)

T O O T H P A S T E!

(You'll get it when you read it)


Once you had finished packing, you rolled the suitcase down the staircase. At the bottom of the staircase was Theo, holding his car keys and the container of cookies.

"Hey." You say.

"Hello Cookie. Are you ready?" He gave an easy smile.


He picked up your suitcase and put it into the boot of his car. Then he opened the door for you like the gentleman he is.

"Thanks." You mutter, you were nervous. What if Theo's parents didn't accept you? Being curious, you ask.

"Theo, do you live with your parents?"

"I live alone." He said darkly.

You breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why?" He said harshly.

"I was just feeling nervous because I thought you would've made me meet them." You said, surprised at his sudden mood swing.

"Yeah well, you don't have to worry about meeting them. Ever." He spat rudely.


You think you saw a flash of pain cross in his eyes, but it was too quick to decipher.

"They're dead."

You gasped slightly.

"I-I'm so sorry." You mutter staring at your hands.

"It's not your fault."

Then the car is filled with an awkward silence.

Until you break it. "So...Where's the limo?"

"What?" He says, giving you a confused sideways glance.

"I thought you would've come in a limousine," You say like its the most obvious thing in the world.

"Oh. Well, my chauffeurs offered but I felt like driving. And I thought it would be overwhelming for you." He said, his eyes locked onto the road.

"No it wouldn't. I would like it, but if you prefer driving, I'm not picky."

He flashed you his pearl white teeth for a second.

"What toothpaste do you use?" You blurt, then slap your hand over your mouth.

"Colgate." He said chuckling.

"Oh, me too." You slowly removed your hand.

"Did you pack everything?"

"I think so...Oh no!"

"What?" I look if concern filled his face.

"I forgot my toothpaste!"

"Don't worry, I have heaps." He said laughing.

"What's with you and toothpaste today, Cookie?" He laughs.

You smile at the cute nick name. "I don't know...Maybe toothpaste can be our thing."

"Our what?" He was laughing so he didn't hear you over it.

"Toothpaste can be our, you know, inside joke or something."

"Okay Cookie. Come on, I'll get your suitcase."

"What? We're here?"

"Yep." He said, popping the 'P'.

You must've not noticed his house.
Or mansion.
You gape up at the building, unable to say anything. It was old fashioned, English and beautiful.

"Do you like it?" There was a bit of nervousness lining his words.

"Do I like it? No I don't." You turn to see his hopeful face fall.

"I love it!" You shouted, running over to hug him. His famous grin returned.


It's 9:30 and you're in one of the many bathrooms, getting ready for bed.

Theo came in with toothpaste.

"There you go," He said, handing it to you with a smirk.

"Shut up," You say as you return the smile and brush your teeth.

He gives you one last smile and walks to his bedroom, which is right next to yours.
You finish up and go to your room. Theo must've gotten maids to unpack your belongings, because they were now all neatly organised in the pretty room.
You sit on the window seat and think:

I'm in Theo James' house.


Don't ask me where the toothpaste idea came from 'cause I don't even know.
I don't even plan these imagines, though sometimes I think about them, I usually let my fingers do what they want.


Okay...I'm off to the mental asylum.

What imagine do you want next?

~ Meh

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