TJI 25: We're Off To See The Wizard [1] ♡

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Dedicated to the lovely @crazyfordivergent because I loVE YOU. I was in my other account and when I logged back into this one, I had like over twenty notifications for you voting for my story. I smiled so much. Thank you :D

As I think I have mentioned, I'm making new imagines cause the other ones are kinda old and cringey so I want to make more.

You mumble on the way to the car.

"Excuse me?" Your mum asked.

"Nothing." You muttered, annoyed.

"That's right. Now in." She ushered you into the car.

You came on from a bad day at school (they didn't have pizza in the canteen) and now your mum is making you go to the camp with the school.
You tried so hard to hard it, but there was no going past her.
You had thrown it into the bin the minute you burst through the front door. You lifted up old banana peels and dog food cans to bury it so it was invisible.
But alas, mum had supposedly dropped her earring into the bin by accident, thus her scrummaging deeply through it and finding the note.

You absolutely hated the trips that the school plans. Their usually at some cheap motel and a small bush walk. The only reason that the school did the camps, was because parents were starting to complain that kids needed excursions more often. Which they do not, but whatever.

Two classes go at a time. Your class is going with some class that you've never really noticed. At least you could just stick with your friends and hide lollies in your pillowcases for midnight snacks.

You grumpily shut your door and soon after, so did your mum.

"Have you got your pyjamas?" Your mum quizzed. You nod. "Toiletries?" Nod. "Clothes?" Nod. "Good girl." Roll eyes.

"When you go bush walking, stay with the group, okay? I know what you're like. You'll probably see a pretty butterfly and follow it."

"That won't happen, mum."

"I swear you have ADHD. The doctors disagree though . . ."

You don't listen anymore and look out the window. Maybe some of the non-existent ADHD that you have if making you distracted. Mum made a sound that possibly said 'See? Told you'. You glare at her before you keep watching.

It wasn't long before you arrived at school with your suitcase and sleeping bag.

"Good luck, honey! Remember what I said!" Your mum said. And you also swore that you vaguely heard her say 'Time to party!' Before laughing and driving off.

You shake your head in amusement and hurry to find your friends.

"What are you doin' 'ere? You hate these things." Your friend said.

You shrug. "Mum found the note."

They tried to stifle their smiles.

"Attention!" The teacher called for, and he got it. "Get your butts on the bus or you'll have to stay in school!" He pointed at the bus.

Kids were already piling on. You and your friends run as fast as you can to get on that bus. You try to stick together but you end up sitting with different people. You end up sitting next to a teacher. And you recognise her as the really cheery one.

"Are you excited for the camp?!" She gushed.

"Uh, kind of."

"What do you mean, 'kind of'? It's going to be so fun!"

"Mhm." You gave a forced closed mouthed smile and slip in your ear phones. She doesn't see this action and continues blabbing away.

You lay your head in the back of the seat. Nodding your head every few minutes to make it seem like you were listening. This was going to be an annoyingly long bus drive.

Tell me if this imagine is worth reading 'cause I don't know . . .

Votes: 12
Comments: 6

I updated because even though you guys didn't manage 15 votes, I wanted to upload for those who voted but thank you for reading anyway :)


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