TJI 29: Fairly Local [1] ♡

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"Are you being legit, Bruce?" You stared up at the local newsagent in shock.

According to Bruce, Theo James had become an actor. Why were you so shocked? Because he was the quietest, sweetest boy you could imagine. Theo, the local newspaper boy, had become an actor. Pfft, no. You didn't know Theo personally, but whenever you were around him, he would shrink away. Like he did with everyone. He was just an overall shy and quiet young boy. And he was now a 'famous actor'.

"Yeah, right. Good one, Brucey." You nudge him and laughed sarcastically.

The older man shook his head in amusement. "Why can't you believe that he's an actor now? And that he'll be starring in a new movie based on a book soon?"

"I refuse to believe it." You cross your arms stubbornly.

"Did you like him or something?" Bruce chuckled as he started closing up the store.

"Bruce, I barely knew him!"

"Then why do you care so much?" He stuffed his keys in his pocket.

"I don't know." You unravel your arms and shrug.

"Suit yourself. I got to go now. Run along home, kid. I'll see you tomorrow." He ruffled your hair and your hands shot up to fix it.

You sign on your way home. When you arrived home, you looked at the house across from yours. It was Theo's. Was.

"Mum, I'm home!" You step through your front door, taking off your hoodie and throwing it carelessly on the couch.

"Pick your jumper up!" Your mum greeted. "Wait, come here!"

You sigh but obey her. You slide into the living room where she was, on the couch. She pats the spot next to her and you sit in the spot. She points to the TV and on it was some kind of movie. A movie trailer. For Divergent. Since you lived in a tiny neighbourhood and there weren't much stores around, divergent wasn't sold there. You didn't bother to get it off the internet either. You'd read usually an electronic book, not a paperback. You didn't think there was any point of it, even though everyone you knew wanted you to read all these books. The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner, the whole lot. And–

Wait. What. Did I just see Theo?! You think frantically.

"Mum, is Theo in this?" You ask, your eyes not leaving the screen.

"Yes. That's what I wanted to show you." She replied. "Who knew that little, deathly quiet boy could be such a famous actor?" She mumbled more to herself than you.

You watch the trailer some more. Theo had been in plenty of scenes. You realised just how . . . Handsome. He just was. Who was that girl? Shailene Woodley? Who's that. Your mind goes crazy as you digest some more of this foreign information.

In your neighbourhood, you were friends with everyone. Except Theo. You knew the ladies who worked at the little cafe, you knew the other ladies who worked in the salon, you knew Bruce, you knew all the kids, you knew all their parents, you knew practically everyone who've walked these streets. Except Theo.

That night, you did some thing you never expected to do. Well, you thought it. You went to sleep right after.

I'm going to stalk Theo bloody James.

Votes: 11

Yes, this new imagine was named after a TØP song. Sorry not sorry.

~ Meh

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