TJI 26: Tattoo [1] ♡

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This imagine is inspired by All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven.

Bleh. I'm getting really sick of the older imagines . . .

And sorry if you liked them, but I'm not going to keep writing 'Knowing Him' or 'Security Guard' cause I can't be bothered and I hate them. I won't delete them though.

So I'm writing new ones, HEAPS of new ones ;))

**Warning: contains a tiny bit of suicidal thoughts**

As you stood on that ledge and stare at the sky, you ponder about everything. This was the easy way out, but at the same time, it wasn't. It would be for you, but not everyone who cares for you.

"What're you thinking about?" You don't take your eyes off the ever so slowly moving clouds, neither do you reply.

"I can guess. I'm thinking about it too. Well, I used to." You felt the bars shake a little under your hands as someone else grab onto it.

You take a deep breath. Inhale, exhale.

"You can if you want, but what will people think of you then?" The voice was kind of right. You were quite popular in your school and basically everyone knew you. You decided to look over at the guy who spoke.

You stared into his soft brown eyes and didn't say anything. Who was he? Before you could open your mouth to ask, someone else asked an entirely different question, but on ground level.

"Miss? What are you doing up there?" You gazed down to see the librarian with books in her hand, staring right up at you through her loud-rimmed glasses.

"N–Nothing." Your voice was raspy and shaky and felt like it belonged to someone else after not using it for hours.

"Well, come down please." You nodded and turned to the unknown boy. He wasn't there. And it felt like he hadn't been there all along. You hurried down the stairs and exited the building.

The librarian smiled at you politely and locked the door behind her. "Have a good day, y/n." She then scuttled off to her car.

You look up again at the ledge that you had stood on a few moments ago. No one was there. Wouldn't you have heard the boy walk down the stairs? You shook your head gently to get the thoughts out of your system.

Except they weren't completely. That night, you went to sleep dreaming about the tall, dark haired boy.

* * *

"What did he look like?" Your best friend was deep in thought, trying to identify the guy you had seen just a day before.

"Tall, tan, dark hair, brown eyes." You describe.

"A lot of guys look like that . . . What did his voice sound like?" She looked around as if she would suddenly spot him.

"Deep and smooth." You shrug. You weren't exactly paying attention to his voice up there, neither his looks.

"Come on, y/n. Think."

"He had a tattoo." You say after a short silence.

"This is good!" She grinned. "Where was it?"

"On his neck. It was of a dragon." You smile at your best friends grin. She loved playing detectives when you two were younger. Looked like nothing changed.

"Okay, well I need to go to class. I'll let you know if I see him!" She winked and walked to her class.

Throughout the day, you kept your eyes peeled for a dragon tattoo. It was the end of the tiring day and when you were about to give up, you found it.

There is was, inked innocently into the tanned skin of a slightly familiar boys neck. The bell rang and everyone packed up their things. Never once did you take your eyes off of the tattoo. You follow the guy around to the carpark where he met up with some people who looked like his friends. Was this considering stalking? Hiding around the building watching him? Pfft, no.

He joked and messed around with them for a bit before getting into his jeep.

This will need to continue tomorrow.

I don't know if I like this imagine so . . .

~ Meh

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