TJI 28: Insights [5] ♡

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It had been two weeks after you had seen Theo. You were currently alone in his huge mansion. He was away for business. Suddenly, you wished Theo wasn't even famous, that he wouldn't have fangirls and wouldn't have to be away all the time. Besides, you weren't with him for his money.

You sigh as you click the button on the TV remote to go to yet another uninteresting channel. You watch your hair fly up and then land softly back on your face. You continued this process until you heard a click and a slam.

"Y/n? I'm here!"

Okay, so it wasn't a 'honey, I'm home!' But you fangirled anyway and ran to him. Up you hooked your arms around his neck and he stared at you, surprised.

"I didn't realise you missed me this much." Theo says.

"Why wouldn't I?" You stare at his sharp features on his face and can't help but notice the dark eye bags just under his eyes. "Theo, you should sleep. You look exhausted."

"I'm fine." He dismissed. "What have you been doing in my house?" He asks.

"It was boring without you, although I never thought it would be boring." You joke and he laughs a little.

"Maybe I will take your offer to sleep, I am truly tired."

"You look worse than tired." You say honestly.

"Wow, thanks." He says sarcastically, climbing up the stairs.

"Shut up." You grin. "I'll be up in a second to bring you something."

"Are you sure? I'll be okay."

"It's fine, I don't mind at all." The truth was, you never wanted to leave his side.

"If you're sure."

"I'm more than sure." You reassure him, stepping into the kitchen.

For a house this big, the kitchen was surprisingly small, cosy and very empty. You didn't mind, it reminded you of your house back home. You search and eventually rampage through the kitchen cupboards and fridge for food. No luck. Maybe since Theo doesn't date at home for long periods of time he wouldn't bother to go grocery shopping. Eventually, you lift up a plastic lid to reveal some eggs. You inspect the packaging and found that it was way beyond its expiry date. You think for a bit but then shrug. What's the worse that could happen? He could get chicken fetus illness? Pfft, no. Luck seems to be on your side because you also found some bread and half a container of butter. The only thing that would left in the kitchen is the rotten tomato in the fridge. You leave the eggs on the kitchen island while you fetch a bowl. When you found one, you crack two eggs on the side of it. After you done, you look triumphantly back into the bowl, only there were eggshells. You wash your hands under the sink, dry them and put them into the gooey substance to try and retrieve the little pieces of eggshell. When you had successfully gotten them all out, you go to get a knife from a drawer. You spread butter on two pieces of bread and dip them into the bowl of egg. After one side of the bread slices were completely covered and dripping of egg, you turn on the oven. You found a lighter nearby and light up the stovetop. You put the frying pan on top and throw some butter in there to act as oil. Face down on the egg side, the bread cook until golden. You flop them onto another plate and take them upstairs, not bothering to clean up your mess. When you entered Theo's room, he was reading a bundle of paper. You lay the plate on the bedside table.

"I made French toast."

"Thanks y/n." He smiles at you before picking up a fried piece of bread and take a bite.  "Mmm, y/n this is so good."

You grin at him. "After you finish that, go to sleep."

"Yes, mum."

You roll your eyes, pull the doona up and leave Theo to rest.

Votes: 10
Comments: 3

I have so many new imagines coming up!!

Also, I know that these should be in your pov, but I've incorporated some third pov into them and I think you guys like it so I'll do that :))

~ Meh

***By the way, not many people are voting and commenting anymore. I'm trying to get myself to update more regularly and the voting and commenting motivates me. So please vote and comment :))***

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