TJI 8: Love At First Sight [3] ♡

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Dedicated to DivergentEquestrian for the amazing and supportive comments!

Remember to comment ':)' so I can continue this chappie!

~ Meh


That night, you cried yourself to sleep, thinking how Theo was nothing more than a awful guy.

You fell asleep dreaming about how Theo ditched you.

You woke up in the morning thinking again about him.

Theo. Theo. Theo.

Why did he do that? You think.

I thought he was a nice person...

But he's not. And you must stop thinking about him.

You sigh and get up to get ready.

You are now ready. You walk over to your bedside table where you left you're phone. It's still lying there untouched. You switch in on only to see:

Missed call from no caller ID

Three text messages from unknown

Could it be? Could he really be trying to get back to you?

Your phone beeped again signalling that you have a new message.

You open it and read the four text messages.

Unknown: Hey, it's Theo. Please call?

Unknown: Y/n, I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to be late!

Unknown: I'm really sorry . . .

The newest one said:

Unknown: Look outside

Wow, stalker much?

You look outside and there stands Theo at your gate, looking hopeful at you. In his hand is a bouquet of pretty, colourful roses.
The sweetness is too much, so you grin.
You could never stay mad at this guy.

"I'm sorry!" He called.

"It's okay. I'm sorry for not accepting your apology sooner!" You call back.

You quickly brush your teeth and attack your hair before joining Theo outside.

He engulfed you in a huge hug.

"Thank you." He said.

You smile up at him.

"Do you want to come inside?" You ask nervously, it's not everyday a celebrity/ your crush enters your average house.

"Sure." He said with a smile.

"What did happen yesterday?" You ask as he gives you the bouquet and you walk up to the porch.

"Well, I had an unexpected interview and it went for longer than usual and then I had to come down to where the cinema was. I was quite far away."

"Then why didn't you choose a closer theatre for us to go to?"

"'Cause I didn't want you to go a long way."

So he was thinking of me.

You are now in the house and Theo is seated in the living room.

"I'll go get something to eat." You say exiting the living room and whipping up some cookies.

Soon enough, the cookies are done and you bring them to Theo and offer one to him. He accepts it and starts eating it.

"Mmm, this is so good y/n!" He says.

You give him a goofy smile.

As he is taking another, you ask him:

"So why did you come all the way down here?"

"To see you of course."



"And you're coming back with me." He said munching on his third cookie.

You gaped at him.


"You're. Coming. Back. With. Me." He says saying each word slowly like he was talking to a little child.

You rolled your eyes and smiled.

"To your place?" You say.

He swallows the last bite and starts to get another cookie.

"Yes, Cookie."


"That's your new nick name from me." He smiled. "Cause you make he best cookies."

"Okay?" You loved it.

He finishes his fourth cookie and getting his fifth when you playfully slapped his hand away. He pouted.

"You'll get sick." You laugh. "I'll go put them in a container for you to take home."

"You mean, we take home."

"Yeah yeah." You said sarcastically, but inside your heart was back flipping.

You put the rest of cookies in a container and hand them to Theo.

"You might want to go start packing."

"Theo, I don't think I should leave."

"Why not?"

"I don't know . . ."

"I've got everything sorted, okay?"

You nodded reluctantly and started up the stairs wondering why he wants you to live with him all of a sudden.


Did you like it? The move will be in the next chap :)

Next Update: 10th of June

~ Meh

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