TJI 24: Tension Like Rain [1] ♡

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I'm sorry :((((( I'm such a bad author :(((((
So a new imagine of over 1000 words :)))

ATTENTION: I'm lacking inspiration and stuff so I'm going to start doing a vote and maybe a comment count. Once I get that many, I will put another update up. This isn't to gain popularity ( well maybe a bit ;) ) but to hopefully make me update faster, so please, you can do it :))

"But . . . But." You say, tears running down your face.

"I'm sorry, y/n, but I just can't."

"Why?" You wail.

"I t– Its over, I'm sorry." He whispered before shutting the door, leaving you alone on his verandah.

This was like in the Spider-Man movie where Peter rejected Gwen and left her on the verandah holding an umbrella while rain was raining heavily around her. The only differences is that you didn't have an umbrella and the rain is much, much thicker.

You hiccup, partly because you're cold and partly because you just cried. You decided it was the former and rubbed your arms.

After standing at his door for what seemed like an hour, you finally turn to face the rain.

After three years, three damn years, he has decided to break up with you. You didn't cheat and he didn't either (at least, you don't think he did) he just randomly broke up. You two were really close, everyone knew it. Wherever you were, he was and the other way around. You loved him and he loved you. There is no simpler way to describe it.

Until now. You had come over to hang out and now he has isolated you on his on verandah. You shiver and take a deep breath. The steam of your breath disappeared into the air and you wished you were those steam particles, disappearing into nothingness.

You shook your head, you can't believe all this has happened in one day.

First your mum woke you up at six, then you failed your maths exam, then you noticed someone had keyed your car, then you stomp your foot in irritation, then you go to get it fixed, then you got a call from him saying to 'hang out', then you felt happy, then you walked there, then you rang the doorbell, then it started pouring, then he dumped you, then your stuck with no car in the thickest rain ever.

You contemplated just sneakily hiding on his verandah until the rain died out but when the rain became clearer to see through, you saw the park across the road. You remembered the park. You and him used to go there. A lot. He would swing you on the swings. He would slide down the slide with you. He would climb the climbing frame with you. In fact, he did absolutely everything for you.

Except he did something that you didn't want him to do. Everything, meaning also breaking up.

Did he like someone else, was that it? He said he loved no one but you. Then why?

You decided to go to the park. Why not? After all, you need to get over him anyway and going to a place where you used to go with him all the time will help.

Or not. You were sitting on one of the chipping blue benches, sobbing. Eventually, the rain started mingling with your salty tears and you decided to stop. The sky is crying. You stop, tears and rain rush down your face, racing to plop onto the ground. You look around you. It was a huge park. You saw the playground and quickly looked away. As you did so, your eyes landed on a team of guys playing football. You didn't care about them either but still watched on. Why would they be playing in this weather? Hardcore players, probably. You looked away and saw nothing else happening at the park. Well, who would be out in this weather at a park anyway?
You were bored and was too emotionally and physically exhausted to walk home.
So what was the obvious thing to do? Watch the football players of course.
Definitely not call your mum to pick you up, pfft.
You watch the football players. Well, technically one, mostly. He twisted out around people and scored a try. And then another. And another.
This dude was goood.
You were only about twenty metres away, give or take a few.
As he spun expertly, he caught your eye and flashed you a smile.
Curiously, you watched on. He scored yet another try. After his celebratory high fives with his mates, he looked back at you and winked.
You suddenly felt bad. What if he knew you and you forgot who he was? That would be awkward.

You were so engrossed in your thoughts that you didn't realise that he had come up to you, wiping his face with a hand towel. You looked up at him and leaned to look behind him. They were finished the game and were packing up.

"Enjoy the game?" Your attention snapped back to him.

"Who are you?" You snapped. It wasn't your fault. Blame it on the bad day.

He didn't seem deterred by your response and smiled. "I'm Theo James."

"Hmm, yeah okay, I have to go." You stand up and start walking away quickly.

His long legs caught up to you in no time. "Where are you going?"



"Oh I don't know, why don't you just leave me alone." You turn to bite before walking away again.

"I don't know. I see a pretty girl in the rain with smudged make up all over her face. Isn't the right thing to do? Ask if you're okay?"

"No, not really. Look, Thork, I had a bad day and I want to be left alone." You say as nicely as you could.

"My names Theo."

"I don't care." You pick your phone out of your pocket and ring your mum.

Soon, it was silent, but Theo was still there. You narrowed your eyes at him but he just smiled back. Finally, your mum arrived at you hopped into her car, not bothering to wave bye.

Vote count: 15
Comment count: 5

Get both of these to these numbers and you will get a new update!

~ Meh

Ps. Go follow my and my sisters account [ SquishyandMeh ] and read the book we posted! It's about sad, funny, awkward and embarrassing things that happened in our lives so go read!

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