TJI 23: I Didn't Know [1] ♡

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New imagine :D

♡ ♡ ♡

It been forever since you saw your best friend, Theo James. You were child hood best friends but since he moved to America, he hasn't seen you since. You only started talking again recently. You're at the Sydney airport now, waiting for him to get off his flight.
You're searching the crowd that are leaving the plane. None of them are Theo. Then you hear screaming. Not terrified screaming, but excited screaming. You turn to see a crowd of girls. All jumping and holding posters. You go over to see what all the fuss it about. You can't see anything until you look out the glass to see a very fancy plane. It must be a privet plane. T must be a celebrity. You push you're way to the front and there, surrounded by screaming people, is your best friend. Theo James.

Your mouth widens at the same time as your eyes do.

How could I have not know that my best friend had been famous?! I'm such a bad friend . . . How is he famous? You think as you raise an eyebrow. He might be on a TV show you don't know or could own a massive company.

"Y/n! It's been ages." Theo says with a grin as his big arms wrap around you. You accept the hug and smile.

"What company do you own?" You say when you pull apart.

"What?" His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"What company do you own?" You nod towards all his fans. "Or do you judge or star on a TV show?"

"What? No, I'm an actor."


"Have you seen divergent? That's probably my biggest film."

"No . . . I was meant to go see it with my friends but I couldn't make it. I read the books. Why didn't you tell me you were an actor?!" You playfully slap his arm.

"I don't know." He laughed.

You smile and shake your head.

* * *

You take Theo back to your house and give him a brief tour. He takes all his stuff to the guest room where he will sleep.

"So how long you staying?" You call to him, cooking dinner while he unpacks.

"A week. Gotta do some filming next week."

"Oh okay. I'm cooking some damper. I've invited some friends to the beach so we could have a bonfire and also roast some marshmallows." You call back, kneading the dough.

"Sounds good."

* * *

Theo tells you to go and not wait for him because he needs to tell his boss something. You agree and take the damper and pack of marshmallows to your local beach. You already see your best friend and your boyfriend.

"Hey y/n!" You best friend says. You smile at her. Your boyfriend stands up to kiss you on the cheek and smile at you. You take a sit in between your boyfriend and your best friend. Around the small fire, there four small logs, one big enough for an individual. You take out the eight sticks you found near the beach and stick damper on four of them and three marshmallows on the remaining four. Just as you were finishing and handing them out, you see Theo making his way towards your fire. He takes a seat on the last log, across from you, and takes two sticks, one which had damper and one which had marshmallows. The four of you sit in silence and watch your damper cook to a golden brown colour. You slide it off the stick and softly blow on it. Then you pop it into your mouth.

"Mmm." Your b/f/n says.

She's closing her eyes, enjoying the damper, Theo's watching the fire dance and your boyfriend was eyeing Theo cautiously. You roll your eyes even though he wasn't looking at you. He was quite protective of you sometimes.

"This is good." Theo broke the silence a little later as he bit into his damper. You smile at him before turning your attention to the waves crashing into the moon lit sparkling sand.

"Good cooking, babe." Your boyfriend says as he leans over to kiss you. He pecks you on the lips before straightening, reaching for his marshmallow stick.

The silence soon turned into an awkward one when Theo and your boyfriend would glare at each other occasionally and your best friend was the only one talking. You half listen to her as she rambles on with her mouth full of marshmallows.

Once again, she broke the silence, although this time, she realised something.

"Wait." Everyone paused and looked at her. "You're . . . You're . . . You're." She pointed at Theo with a shaking hand. The fire illuminated her pale face and she looked as if she was about to faint.

"I'm Theo James?" Theo said smiling.

"Y-Yes." Then she did faint.

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Yey! I uploaded twice c;

Tell me if you liked this imagine and I'll continue it :)

READ PLEASE: I made another account dedicated to imagines - I take requests!

Follow and request: mehimagines

~ Meh

sun - tji auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora