TJI 21: Security Guard [2] ♡

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I hate myself right now because as I was editing the second post, it was in present tense then past and kept switching. I didn't fix them up cause I couldn't be bothered ;)
Imagines are better in present, but I usually prefer to write in past. Sorry, I'm trying my best :)

♡ ♡ ♡

As it starts to get dark, the camera men pack up and you sneakily watch the other guards' to see what they do. They just surround and walk Theo to the slick black limo. When Theo got into one of the back seats, the guards went into another door. You hurry to slip in behind them, shutting the door. When you turn around, the guards are looking at you curiously. Some furrowing their eyebrows in thought and others raising an eyebrow as if they can't believe your one of them.

Why was I here?

"Who are you? I've never seen you before." A girl with bright pink hair and a band tee said.

"I'm y/n and I'm the new guard." You hold your hand out for her to shake.

She doesn't make a move to accept the greeting, instead she looks at you through lazy eyelids and blows out a big bubble with her purple gum. She pops it in the direction of your hand as if it was meant to shoo it away. You hand comes back to lie in your lap and you watch her as squints her eyes, chewing her gum in thought.

"I'm Addison. Call me Addie." She finally speaks.

The comfortable limo turned into an uncomfortable one, tension in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife. You were about to say something, anything, but Addie beat you to it.

"So why are you here?"

You come up with a smooth lie in a few seconds. "I was a guard for someone else, but they didn't need me anymore so I came to work here."

"And our boss approves?"

"Yes." She eyed you up and down once.

"I don't believe you, you don't look like a guard." It was true. Even though she was almost as small as you, she gave off that bad ass vibe that said 'I could break your neck with my pinkie.'

"I don't look tough, but I am." You reply.

"I still don't believe you."

All the other guards were either looking casually out the long, sleek windows or staring at you. You shift uncomfortably in your seat and mentally begged the driver to hurry up.

"Where are we headed?" You ask Addie.

"To Theo's hotel."

"To do what?"

"Protect Theo when he steps in. You and I will escort him to his door while the others block of fans."

You nod. Sounded easy enough. "Okay."

You look around at your fellow guards. There were five of them, excluding you. Four of them were guys, big and tough, your typical body guards. Addie was the only female beside you.

Oh, crap, I still didn't get that milk Mum asked for.

You slap your forehead and everyone looks at you weirdly. Especially Addie.

Well this was going to be fun.

The reason I've been uploading a lot lately is probably because it's the holidays and I feel bad to keep you guys waiting forever :)

Tell me your thoughts about this imagine, I'm not sure about it :/

What imagine do you want next?

~ Meh

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