Part 1-intro

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The photo is what Avery looks like
Hello my name is Avery smith, I am 16 year old and my birthday is the 3rd of December.
I am still in education, I go to collage which I don't my mind as I am doing a sport course, I am not that academic. As well I am on the woman's football team. I am the baby of the group, I don't mind being the youngest it has it's ups and downs. The girls are all lovely and are amazing players. I would be surprised if none of them go pro after college.

I live on my own which you may think is odd for a 16 year old but I prefer it more then having to go into a foster home. Let me explain why I am on my own. A few months ago I came home from practice to an empty house, which I found strange. I tried calling my mum and dad but it said that this number is invalid, so I tried my sisters and it said the same thing. Social service's have tried to get me to go with them, I never stick to the place that they put me in, so eventually they gave up trying.
I have been going to college for a few months, and have played a lot of football right know my team have only lost 2 games. My team are called the North London gunners. Our coach is called Jason Mayer and our skipper is call Jessica Owens, she has been there captain for 1 year and has been amazing.
My favourite team is the woman's Arsenal team, especially Leah Williamson and Beth mead. I wish I could see them. I have see them play before and they were outstanding.

Let's jump right into it.

Enjoy 😉

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