"Sleep well champ"

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Leah's pov

After getting myself a drink of water, I make my way back into the living room, where Avery is still sound asleep. I grab the tv remote of the coffee table and switch the tv off. It's not late, but I am feeling rather tired and with the girls coming round tomorrow to get to know Avery better, I think that it would better if we both get a good nights sleep. Avery also decided to fall asleep on the sofa, so I feel like she will be more comfortable if she sleeps in an actual bed and not the sofa.

I put the remote back down onto the coffee table, as well as my empty glass that had my water in it. Then I kneel down to the side of the sofa and gently place my hand on the side of her face and rub my thumb up and down her cheek, whilst I'm doing this a piece of her silky light brown hair falls In-front of her eyes, so I gently move it back behind her ear. She looks so peaceful, So calm and relaxed.

I then put both my hands on her shoulder, but my right hand in between the sofa and her shoulder so that I can try and put her into a sitting position, so that I can pick her up and take her to bed. I don't have the heart to wake her up. After successfully doing this without waking her up, I take another step towards the sofa so that I can lean more forwards and lift her arms up and over my shoulders and around my neck. After I have got her arms in a comfortable position for the both of us, i slightly lift her up using both of my arms and when she at a good hight i gently grab one leg at a time and wrap them around my waist. Then I wrap both my arms around her waist to insure I don't drop her, not because she heavy, anything but that. The girl is as light as a 6 year old, that definitely can't be good.

After getting her success in my arms without her waking up, I make my way to the room that she is going to be staying in for sometime. I open the door to the room and push it open with one of my feet, as I can't hold it open with my hand or I'd drop Avery on the floor. I then step into the room and make my way over to the queen sized bed that is in the middle of the room. When I reach the the right hand side of the bed I move Avery so that she is on my right side, I did this so that I could use my left hand to pull back the bed covers away. Then I gently place her in the bed, making sure I didn't wake her up and pull the covers over her sleeping figure. After I had made sure that she was comfortable, I brush some more of her fallen hair away from her eyes to behind her ear, and place a soft kiss to her forehead and wish her a good nights sleep and say to her "sleep well champ."

I then close the door to her bedroom, to make sure that the amount of light that could creep into her room and disturb her sleep, has been reduced.

After closing the door, I make my way over to my bedroom, so that I can get ready for bed. I go over to my bedside table and remove all my rings and my necklace, then I go back out to the hall way and walk quietly towards the bathroom so that I can have a shower and do my nighttime routine. When I get to the bathroom, I turn on the shower and then I strip of my clothes then I put my hair up in a messy bun so that my hair doesn't get to wet.

After being in the shower for I think 10 minutes, I have washed my self and shaved. So now I smell good and feel a lot more relaxed then I did due to the day. Also I now feel exhausted, hot water always does that to me.

I get out of the shower, dry my self, wrap my towel around myself. Then I walking to my bedroom to get some clothes to sleep in, which is basically just some shorts and a top, which obviously had to be an old arsenal jersey. After getting dressed in my sleep wear, I quietly make my way back over to Avery's to make sure that she is okay and still asleep. Which she is. I close her bedroom door, but making sure that their is the smallest gap, which is letting the slightest amount of light into her room.

After making sure that Avery is asleep, I go around the apartment, turning lights off, looking windows and then finally locking the front door. After locking up, I quietly make my way back to my bedroom but on my way I turn of the bathroom light and the hallway light. I shut my bedroom door, close the curtains and put my phone on charge. God I am so tired I think to myself, it's not even that late. Half nine, half nine and I am already going to bed, what I am I 50. I pull back my covers and get into bed, I then adjust my pillows so that am comfortable. After doing this I reach over to my bed side table, where my phone is charging and go to turn of the lamp, when my phone starts ringing. Who could be calling me at night? I look at the caller ID and, it's Alex? What does Alex want? Is she okay? Is she hurt?

I quickly pick up the phone, and put it to my ear, it must be important if she's calling now.


Alex? Are you okay?
Hey Le, sorry for calling you so late
Hey Al there's no need to apologise, what's up?
It's, um I just need to ask you something
Okay, you know you can always ask me anything, at anytime.
I don't want to do it over the phone, so um are you free tomorrow?
Yeah I am, well some of the girls are coming over to get to know Avery more, and then I think me and Avery may go for a walk and Avery had that send of party tonight. But I though you were in Manchester?
I was, I just got home. Can I please talk to you tomorrow at 12?
Yeah sure come round at 12, the girls are coming at 1 so that's perfect timing.
Okay thanks Le, so you tomorrow, love you.
Love you to Al, see you tomorrow.

I love Alex, but even for her that's strange. I hope she's okay. I turn my phone off, and the lamp on the bedside table, close my eyes and breath in and out. Allowing my brain to go over today. I can feel myself falling asleep, all my muscles start to relax and I feel like I'm sinking into the mattress. Letting sleep overcomes me.

Omg, I am so so sorry this took so long, if anyone has suggestions, I am open. Enjoy 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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