This isn't a dream is it

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What the hell is going on. I look around and see that a few people are looking at me and laughing, probably because they know that I idolise Leah so much. This can't be real, someone pinch me to get me out of this dream.
I am brought out of my shocked state by the feeling of someone's hand on my shoulder, I turn my head to see who hand is on my shoulder and it seems to belong to sam.

Sam removes her hand and starts to laugh then says "might want to shut you mouth before you swallow a fly". If looks could kill Sam would be dead. I close my mouth and then say "this isn't a dream is it"sam then says "nope this is real, so are you going to be okay and not fan girl over her all practice or do I need to say something to coach." This girl better not say anything. I am about to respond to her, but then coach says settle down girls so we do, then Leah starts to speak.


Hello girls I am honestly so happy to be able to come and watch you practice today, as well I am going to be at your next game. Your all probably wondering why I am here, but that's going to be staying a secret. If any of you want to talk and Jessica your the captain right.
Yes Jess is the caption
I can give you some advice if you would like. Can I just ask who is the oldest and the youngest.
The oldest is Jackie, who is 19, and the youngest is Avery who is 16. The rest are in between.
Ah okay so there is a good range of age and skill in this team
Yes there are a lot of different skills in this group, and that's is why we are so successful out on the pitch.
Well that's always handy
We all laugh at her comment
So let's see what you all can do

After Leah said all of that I actually felt like I was going to pass out. Did she say she was going to be at our next game, that is crazy.
Coach splits the group up into 2 and we each have half the pitch to use. As I am a defender I start of by practicing my 1v1s with Maisie, who is 17 nearly 18.

I though it was going to be hard but I won 2 times. We have reset the drill and I have just gotten into my position, when Leah walks over and ask if she can have a go, Maisie says yeah sure then looks over at me and says good luck kid. What the hell I am going to get destroyed.
Geez okay I can do this it's not like I am going against Leah freaking Williamson. No just a normal regular player.
Next thing I know she is running towards the goal. Let's do this

I run up to her and fake step left then she went right and as the ball gets pushed of her foot I ran towards it and booted it away.
This happened a few time, but then after awhile she got passed me. The couch shouted.   "time to switch girls" . Well that was interesting. I thought Leah would just leave but nope.
I am lying on the floor trying to regulate my breathing when I hear a voice say

Need a hand up
I don't say anything and just put my hand out, I then hear her giggle and then she says
You are quite the defender for your age, Wait how old are you
I-I am umm 16
Ahh so your the baby of this team
Yeah it petty funny how they all act on the pitch when someone does a bad move and knocks me over, they act like I have been shot of something.
I then hear her laugh
To be honest I am the same.
Oh I know
How do you know
Oh I watch you play
So you are a fan Arsenal
Yeah I am and have been for a long time.
Good to know, but seriously you have talent kid
Thank you Leah
Umm I know this is my be odd but can I have your number and Instagram, I want to know what happens with you in the future.
Yeah sure here (imagine your own number)
And this is my Instagram: AverySmith01
Okay well thank you, you should probably get back to practice, but I will speak soon as I am in the meeting as well.
Okay well see you then bye Leah
Bye kid

Ahaha I hope you guys enjoy 😉

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