What a banger!!!!

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Then skip to when the team are doing a practice match, the coach decided to do instead of 5v5

So coach decided instead of doing 5v5, we were going to do a practice match. There are 6 of us on each side. Coach asked Leah if she wants to coach one side and she said "yeah I would love to" and of course I get put on her team.
Our team is call team Leah, which is pretty obvious.

People and what position they play:

Sam crow- centre Forward-starting
Jessica Owens-centre midfield-starting-captain
Avery Smith- left back-starting
Lucy Gabriel-goalkeeper-starting
Olivia Reid-right back-starting
Rhianna Bishop-centre back -starting

They aren't playing these positions in this game. Only for the official competitive games.

Coach's team is:
Rose Ford-centre midfielder-starting
Lia Scott-centre forward-starting
Darcy Maiden-left midfielder-starting
Lou Jenkins-centre back -starting
Jackie Jones- right midfielder-starting
Willow Small-goalkeeper-sub
There are 4 more subs.

Now that we have been split into our teams, which are team Leah vs coach Mayer team, we flip a coin to see who starts and it is coaches team. But before we start Leah shouts team huddle, so I run over from wishing Jackie a good game and join the huddle and if course I am stood right next the Leah. Basically all it is is Leah telling us to communicate and pass, and wait for openings and don't push our luck, unless it is necessary, with that we get in position. This is going to be fun.

The whistle has just been blown and they are not holding back, right now Jackie is charging up the pitch with the ball and she pass it to Lia, who has somehow managed to get past everyone, apart form me. Yet. So I ran towards her at full speed and just as I am about to get to her, I see the ball leave her foot at a spectacular speed and power. Knowing her that's in. What a guess she scored in the first 5 minutes how like how.
But we don't crumble under pressure, If anything we get stronger. Jess starts with the ball at the centre and does a long passes behind to me, i then walk with the ball, looking for space and I see that no one is guarding Sam, here is are chance. I put a lot of power behind the ball....and it lands perfectly at her feet, Sam then gets past one defender and it's a 1v2 situation. She goes for a low shot and misses it by the smallest amount. The game carries on.
Now it is the Willows ball and she does a short pass to Lou who then tries to cross the ball to rose, but fails and Lucy is able intercept it. She is running up the pitch towards the goal, she then successfully crosses the ball to Sam, as sam is about to shot, as she is releasing the ball Darcy comes out of nowhere and cleared the ball. Our corner. Jessica gets ready to cross and I see a clear spot for a perfect header. I see she is looking my way, i nod my head and she kicks the ball and BANG goes my head against the ball, I fall to the ground, not able to see if it went in or not. Until I hear a lots of cheers and praises, I get up and I am face with the whole of my team even Leah running towards me and next thing I know I am back on floor, with the whole of my team on top of me. Not sure how long it has been but the team get of me and Sam pulls me of the floor and says "good one kid". I laugh at her and say "thanks Sammy". Then a person I still could believe I have had a conversation with says to me


What a banger!!
Haha thanks
You got it the air though
Yeah that is my secret talent, they don't except it to come from me, so when it does it's always funny to see there faces.
Haha yeah I bet, good job, you got some good potential in you kid
Thanks Le
Nickname basis
Yep you call me kid
I don't mind just don't start calling me old
Hahah well we still got 19 minutes left, enough time for another header
Your right about that, now go get in position
Haha yes boss

As I walk away, Leah gives my back a pat and I run back to my position, with the biggest smile ever.

Hello lovely hope you enjoy 😉

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