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Leah's pov
I don't think it has be that long but I am awoken by the bus suddenly stop and me having to put my hands out in front of me to stop me from hitting my head on the seat in front of me. I look around and see everyone getting up and getting ready to get off the bus, I don't feel a weight on my shoulder anymore and I look and see that it is because Avery's head is now next to my leg and her legs are up on the seats next to her, so she is lying down. I go to wake her but before I get a chance to Sam gets a bottle of water and squeeze it so that a little amount of water gets on Avery and she opens her eye and gives Sam a death stare and with that she gets up and Sam runs of laughing. I cant help but laugh at how they all act like one big family and how you have the children of the group then you have the adults as well, for example Jess, and Jackie. It reminds me of my Arsenal girls as well as my lionesses girls, i am leaving tomorrow morning, but before that I have to tell Avery that my coach and manager have been talking and that they want her to join the team, she will be am amazing addition and will definitely fit in with all of them.

I get my bag on and make my way of the bus with Avery slowly following behind me, we are behind the team as we enter the building but then Avery runs of and jumps on Jessica's back and then Jessica Carries her into the building.

Avery's pov
I have just got of the bus and I am walking next to Leah behind the team but then I decided to run up to Jessica and it's like she has a sixth sense when I am about to jump on her because she catches me perfectly and then proceeds to carry me into the building. Must I say this is a very nice stadium, apparently this stadium holds over 5,000 people and that all the tickets have been sold. I am so fucking excited as well I am equally as nervous probably more. Jessica puts me down on the ground and then coach tells us we can put our stuff in the changing room then look around for a bit,. The game starts in 2 hours so he said that when we have an hour and a half, we can drop our kit off then head out to the pitch to get walked up. So until then we can chill and look around. So me and the girls go and drop our bags of at the changing rooms, then me, Sam, Jessica, Olivia and a few other girls head out or the pitch to see for ourselves what the ground conditions are like. As per usual me and Sam race each other and the funniest thing happened, basically Sam wasn't looking were she was going and didn't see the step after the tunnel and fell face first on the floor, I could hold it together and started laughing so hard that I had to kneel on the ground, the rest of the group laughed as well and even out media team caught it on camera. What a way to start the day. We are all stood in the middle taking photos and posing just for the fun of it when I get a call from Alex. God I haven't heard from her in awhile. So I pick up the the phone and say


Hey Al
Hey kid how are you holding up
I am holding up well thanks how was the sky interview.
Ahh well that when well, so I am just calling to let you know that I may see you sooner then you think as well I want to wish you luck on your game to day, you will do fantastically.
Aww thanks Al and what do you mean I will be seeing you sooner then you think, are you coming to a game or what
Sorry Avery I can't tell you not yet anyways
Ahh you and your secrets
Hehe well I need to go but I will be watching you and go and show them how to play good luck and see you soon bye
Yeah thanks Alex, and I guess I will see you soon bye

Okay so that was a little odd, well it's not the weirdest chat I have had with her there have been stranger ones. I then see that I have had so many more calls from Ivy so I decide to call her back. I don't want to do it here though, so I make my way up to some seat in the stand, where no one will hear as this call will most likely get pretty heat, very quickly. I find her number then I hesitate for a bit before clicking on call, after a few rings she picks up


Can I help you
Umm look I just wanted to make sure you we're okay
Well I am fine now bye
No! Wait please!
Fine you have 5 minutes
Umm look I understand you are angry
Angry no that is an understatement I am beyond piss! You can't just say that then except everything to be fine, because it's not
I know but you could have told me about your family
No I could look I only told you because it was in the heat of the moment, apart form you no one knows, and I would like to keep it that way.
I understand that I am sorry please forgive me
Look I would love to but it's going to take time, so please stop spamming me or I will block you fucking number
Well I can't say I will! You are my friend no my family!
I call bullshit to that! The only reason you are taking to me is because you Have no one else, you don't care about my feelings! Goodbye Ivy
Well I guess I will have to carry this conversation on face or face, so see you after the game bye.

Then she hangs up. What! After the game. Does that me she is here as in she is going to be in the stand. Oh god now I wish I never called her. I put my phone in my pocket and let out a frustrated sigh then I rest my head in my elbows that are rested I'm my legs. That did not help my anxiety that is now starting to creep up. I close my eyes trying to focus my self and remain calm, then coach shouts up to me that we have to get change, I look around and see some fans of both teams start to filter in. So I get to and run to the changing room, I got and sit in my seat and start to get ready.

Everyone is ready and the mood in the changing room is amazing I can tell this is going to be a good game. Coach comes in and does his motivational speak which definitely hyped has all up, then we make our way to the tunnel and line up next to the opponent, god they all looks so strong. Then the commentator welcome the home team then her says our teams name and me make our way out to the field, as I walk out I spot Leah and she gives me a wave and then shouts my name. I can feel my face heating up. We get in position and take a knee after shaking hands with all the players. Sam is in the center for this game. Not long after the ref blows the whistle and the game begins. LETS DO THIS!!

I know this is long but enjoy 😉

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