The Bus journey

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Avery's pov
Coach had just told all of us that we can get in the bus, I have just put my bag in the luggage holder and was making my way on the bus behind Olivia when coach Mayer calls me over to him. I walk towards him and then he says


Hey Avery sorry for disturbing you but I need to talk to you about something
No it oaky coach, you weren't disturbing anything what did you want to talk to me about
Well as you know this game is going to be pretty violent, compared with other games that we have played so I just want you to be careful out there today. As I can tell you have injured yourself. You aren't very good at hiding it.
Oh right yeah I um pulled a muscle in the gym yesterday that's all
Okay well still be careful, and you are staring as well, which is pretty normal so nothing has changed there
Haha yeah well thank for the heads up is that all
Yes that's all go get in the bus
Okay see ya bye

Well glad he told me that. I then make my way back on to the bus and take a sit in my usual seat at the back on the right side. I look around the bus and see the team getting comfortable, sam getting the tunes on and Jessica reading a book as per usual. I see Leah sat on the left side 3 seat in front on her phone.

I lean back in my seat and pull out my phone and head phone then press my game day play list. I rest my elbow on the side of the bus and rest my head in my hand and close my eyes. Trying to calm my nerves. I hide it well but I suffer quite badly from anxiety. Not many people know I have it as it's not really something I like to talk about. Probably hasn't been a long time but I feel someone's presence next to me so I peel my eyes open and take one of my headphones out to see who has taken a set next to me. I see Jessica and she gives me a friendly smile I smile back to her and then she says


Hey kid you okay
Yes cap I am good u
Very I am excited bit nervous
Same, but nothing we can't handle right
Exactly, well if you need me I going to go back to my seat m reading my book.
Haha okay thanks
Your welcome

With that she get up bit not before ruffling my hair up and then laughing then sits back down to read her book again. I go back into my original position with my headphones back in my ears, but I can't seems to get comfortable so I put my legs on the seats next to me and have my head resting against the window. I know this journey was not long but I could really use some more sleep. The pain in my ribs was coming back as well as I had the worse headache ever. So I take my headphones out and keep my eyes closed. Must I say it is quite relaxing the sound of the rain lightly hitting the window, the game won't get cancelled because of the rain, it only started 10 minutes ago. I can fell my self drifting in and out of sleep, then I feel someone tap my legs I open my eyes to see Leah stood up, I move my legs off the seat and and lean back again. Leah sits down next to me then she says


Hey kid how are you feeling
Umm okay
Are you sure
Uh yeah
I don't believe you one bit
I fine just got a headache and my ribs hurt a little
I got some paracetamol if you want some
She laughs and get back up and gets her bag and brings it over to me and pulls out the paracetamol then asks how many I say 2 she hands me to and I get my water and take them.
Are You nervous Avery
Umm yeah kind of, this team is apparently pretty aggressive but nothing we can't handle
True just remember what every happens on the pitch with the teams, like if they do a bad tackle don't get all in their face just let the ref do their job.
Ha easy said then done, but I will keep that in mind. Thanks Leah
Your welcome, and at anytime your in pain don't feel ashamed to tell you coach and he can sub you of.
Yeah I will if I am in pain, do you know that this team that we are playing against has the most yellow cards, then any other team in out league
No I didn't that is insane though
I know, they must be a pain to deal with, maybe even coach
Wouldn't support me I'd they are

After that no one said any thing not I move closer to Leah and rested my head on her shoulder, I closed my eyes because the light was so bright, probably because I have the worse headache ever. Not going to lie Leah shoulder is a lot more comfortable then a window. I feel Leah move her arm and place her arm around my shoulders, i then feel her rest her head on top of mine. This is nice. I don't know what it is but something about Leah makes me feel safe and that I could tell her anything and she would judge.

Leah's pov
After the conversation with Avery I was going to go back to my seat, when I felt a weight in my right shoulder I look down and see Avery had rested her head on my shoulder and has closed her eyes, I am guessing her headache is pretty bad. I need to keep an eye on her today. I feel my arm getting numb so I slowly move it just in case she is asleep and place it on her shoulders, then I rest my head on hers and close my eyes, not to sleep just to think. I can't help but feel something towards this girl. I know she had parents and a family, but I still care about her. But she doesn't really talk about them much. I wonder how this game is going to play out.

Enjoy 😉

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