"I am so proud"

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Leah pov
After I told Avery to go shower I decided to make some food for the both of us, as it's about six o'clock. Although I am not really sure what she likes. So I decide to just make pasta with tomato sauce.

I get all the ingredients out that I need and wash my hands, I start by cutting up some veg to add in the sauce. I connect my phone to the speaker and go to one of my more calmer playlists.

Avery's pov

After Leah said I could have a shower I go to the room I stayed, well technically now it's my room which is rather weird now I think about it. I grab a towel that was folded on a chair that was in front of a desk. I then go to the bathroom.

I take my clothes off and I am just stood in front of the mirror that is hanging above the sink, noticing that I have a pretty bad bruise on both sides of my ribs. I should probably do something about that. I get in the shower and just stand in it, not doing anything just taking everything in that has happened in the last 24 hours. It's crazy I never thought that I would be playing for the Arsenal woman's team at the age of 16, don't get me wrong I have dreamt  about this movement over and over again, but never thought that it would actually happen.

Deciding I was getting to hot,  I washed myself then got out of the shower, I got changed into the clothes Lee is letting me use until we go back to my apartment and get some of my things. Which I hope is soon, like very soon.

This is what Avery is wearing

After getting changed in some more comfortable clothes, I go to the kitchen where Leah is making some food for the both of us

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After getting changed in some more comfortable clothes, I go to the kitchen where Leah is making some food for the both of us.

I walk up to the kitchen top that has stalls on the other side and pull out a chair. I then say to Leah

"What you making?"
"Just some pasta with a tomato sauce, I hope that's okay."
"That sounds good thanks, thanks for letting me use more of your clothes."
"Your welcome, I was thinking that maybe in a few days or so we can go to your apartment and grab some of your things if you want."
"I was just about to ask when we were going to do that, but yeah that sounds good."
"Right we'll go sit in the living room and I'll call you when it's ready."
"Nope, I want to help you. Just because I am younger than you doesn't mean you have to do everything."
"I know but I want you too go sit."
"Yeah still not moving"
"Fine if you insist, than you can......set the table."
"Yep now you do that or you can sit down"
"Fine then I will go set the table."
"Thanks you"
"Yeah yeah"

After refusing to go and sit down Leah gave me a job to do, set the table. That is pretty simple. I get everything I need, wipe down the table out the cutlery and glasses with water in them. I then go back to Leah and she has her back towards me so I decide to scare her.

I slowly creep up behind her and wrap my arms around her stomach, when I do this I feel her jump, but she relaxes when she realised it was me. She turns around still in my arms and wraps her arms around my body and then asks me "you okay?"and then I just nod my head. I then let go of her and she carry's on mixing the sauce.

I go and sit back on one of the stalls. We have a few conversation here and there but most of the time we are sat in a comfortable silence.

After siting there for a few more minutes Lee says that the food is ready, she gets two plates from the cupboard and served up to portions of  the food that she has just made. Lee then tells me to go sit down, so that's what I do. I pull out a chair and take a set. Then Lee walks over to the table and places the food in front of me. I thank her for the food and she says no problem.

We both the start eating and I have to give it to her, she can cook. Well it has only been two meals but still it's really good, especially when your use to shit food, ready meals from the shop or cereal all the time. In the morning, during the day and and night. So basically when ever I was hungry.

After eating and making general conversation we have both finished so when Leah is done, I get up out of my seat and collect both of our plates and take them over to where the dishwasher is. Leah has followed me over and when I go to pick up a dish I feel her wrap and arm around my waste and pick me up and sling me over there shoulder. Leah then drops me onto the sofa in the living room and tells me to stay. Like that's going to happen. I get up and go over to her and then when she about to pick up a plate I take it out her hands and out it in they dishwasher. We argue about who should do it as I want to do it but Leah's wants to do it and wants me to go sit down, but after awhile of back and forth arguing we decide to both do it.

After the dishwasher was loaded and set of Leah told me to go and sit in the living room, she also told me she was going to go and get changed into her sleepwear. Which consisted of a pair of black NBA basketball shorts with the Golden State Warriors logo on, then on her top half she had one of her old Arsenal Jerseys on. Didn't know she was a fan of basketball.

Once Leah had changed and walked back into the living room she grabbed a fluffy blanket and took a seat next to me on the sofa. She then grab the TV remote and then faced me and asked me

"So what do you want to watch"
"Umm I am not really sure, what do you want to watch"
"To be honest I am kind hopeless at choosing movies to watch"
"Okay we'll ever heard of the movie the Maze runner?"
"No I haven't have you watched it?"
"Yeah a few times but it's a good movie"
"Guess that solved that, what's it called again Maze chaser"
"No it's called the Maze runner"
"Okay thanks you, get comfortable then"
"Don't have to me twice"

Now that we have decided on what to watch i get into a more comfortable position but i don't want to over step anything so by me saying getting comfortable I mean get sitting further back into the sofa. Once Leah found the movie and pressed play, I assume she noticed that I don't want to over step of her boundaries, so she lay down and pulled me in-front of her so that my back was towards her and that she could also wrap and arm around my waist if she wanted to. Leah also grabs the blanket and drapes it over the both of us.

It's about 40 or so minutes into the movie and the tiredness has finally overcome me, I am trying very hard not to fall asleep but that's is so hard, even more so because I am comfy and warm. Leah definitely noticed this and softly told me that I could sleep, but I told her I was fine and she laughs and this and says "yeah what ever you say". So okay maybe I am tired but I should be falling asleep at 9. That happens though as the last thing I remember before the blackness of my eyelids filled my site was Thomas and the Mino running out of the Maze.

But again before I fall completely asleep I feel Leah move some of my hair behind my ear and then gently place a kiss on my forehead, and then also whispers into my ear "goodnight kid, i am so proud of you. Love you." Then I turned around and hugged her and said "I love you too Le, I wish my parent were caring like you. I then fell completely asleep.

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