"Good night le"

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Avery's pov
I am glad Leah didn't push me to tell her, otherwise I would have told her everything and I mean everything. I can't do that to her.

Leah gets it the drivers side and I get in the passenger side. As I get in and do my seatbelt up, she hands me her phone and says for me to put my address in, so I do and I go to turn her phone of when she says to put some music on as all the music on the radio is shit but she wouldn't say shit so I said it. Which made her hit my leg playfully, which made me laugh.
I put some music on and the first song to come on was psycho by Ann-Marie and Aitch. God of I love to rap the shit out of this. As the song starts so do I, until it finished and I lean back in the seat and then see Leah and laugh as she looks so shocked. Then she said


Wait wait hold on you can rap
No I can't
Yes you can
Okay maybe I can
What else can you do
What like hobbies
Yeah like hobbies
Umm I play electric guitar, I do skateboarding and I all so kickboxing
Wow that a lot
Yeah it is but they are all fun though
I bet, so let's get to know each other a little more
Okay what do you want to know
Umm how many siblings to you have

Shit i should have see this coming.

Kid kid
Umm I have 3 sisters, what About you
I have a brother, do you have any pets
No I want a dog though
I have a dog named Bella
Aww that's cute name
Yeah it is

After that it was silent but not an awkward, then we made it to building. I was hoping Leah would just drop me of say bye and leave, not being rude. But no, when I got out and say bye she got out and said "I am walking to your door". This girl. I was about to say no it fine but she grab my bag and started walking, I had to run to catch up with her. She was waiting for me to lead the way so I made the dredging walk up all the stairs. When we made it up the stairs and to my door, I stoped and thanked Leah for literally dropping me off and took my bag of her. She then said


Well I guess I will see you on Saturday.
Yes you will, you better be ready for a show
Oh I am counting on it.
We both then laugh
Well it's late I should go, look after your self kid and remember to message me because if you don't then I will.
I will message, I will message you so much you will block my number
I would never block you kid
Haha okay well I will speak to you later
Yes you will and remember I have you Instagram as well.
Oh yeah I forgot about that
Well bye kid sleep well goodnight
Bye le drive safely, and good night le

Then she turns around and walks away but not before running back and giving me a hug and in the process she picks me up, she then puts me down and said I should really go and runs down the stairs. She is something else.
I get in my apartment, turn the lights on, lock the door and dump my bag on the floor.
I make my way to my bathroom and get in the shower, after the shower I get on my pjs and fall into the most peaceful slept that I haven't had in a long time. Rethink all at today.

Hope you enjoy. I know it is shorter. Enjoy 😉

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