"I-i feel so stupid"

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Alex's pov
Leah has just taken Avery to the room she will be staying in for a few days, as I refused to wake her up as she is always so grouchy when she wakes up. I chuckle to myself thinking back to a memory when she was 15 and it was the summer and all she wanted to do was sleep, like all day. Not even joking I had to drag her out of her bed and make her do things.

But right now I am sat in Leah's apartment on her sofa in her living room, scrolling through Instagram liking a few photos.  I also view the photo Leah sent me of the kid asleep in my car.
I turn my phone of and put it on the coffee table and walk to the room Avery is supposedly staying in, as they are taking their time. Also i know that sometime Avery can be a pain when it comes to sleeping, as I walk up to the door I don't hear anything so I go to open the door. The scene that is revealed is sad, but I can really tell that Leah cares for Avery. Like a lot.
Avery is literally in her arms and Leah is slowly walking back and forth every so often she will stop and sway back and forth. Saying sweet words. I only opened the door a small amount, in hopes that they well Leah won't see me.

I slowly close the door again and make my way back to the living room. I can't help but feel guilty for not noticing that something has been off. I wonder if she told Leah anything. Maybe she felt overwhelmed about tomorrow. I wish I could stay longer but I have got to go home and I know she is in good hands.

Leah walks in and I look at her and I can tell she is just as worried as I am. So she takes a seat next to me and places a hand on my knee like she knows what I am think and is trying to comfort me. She then goes on to say

Look Alex, I am not sure what caused her to have a panic attack, and I bad one but if you have any idea I would be very grateful if you told me. So that I can help her.
Well Leah to be honest there is quite a lot of things it could be.
Okay anything I may need to bring up with Jonas.
Possibly, okay so one; it could be that she got a sudden rush of nerves for tomorrow as you remember how earlier I told you she is not great with people, well that's because she has had bad experience with people that's all I can say. But also I think something has happened with her family because they basically come to every single game, but apparently no-one has seen them for awhile.
Umm that is strange, thank you for telling me. Do you think I should tell Jonas about her well social anxiety.
Yeah I think that will be a good idea, I would love to stay but I should go. Call me if you need me though yeah Leah.
Of course Al, and I promise I will look after her. I care for her a lot. More then you think.
I know, I can tell by the way you protect her, and talk to her. You really remind me of a mother protecting their child.
I do?, well thanks for telling me about her social anxiety. I'll make sure I tell Jonas.

We then both get up and I tell Leah I am quickly going to go say a goodbye. Leah says that is fine.

I walk into the room Avery is staying in and she is sound asleep. She looks so cute and small. She will need it for tomorrow. I make my way over to the side she is facing, and stroke some hair out her face and gently place a light kiss on her forehead and whisper a goodnight and goodbye.

I go back out to Leah and we hug each other, before I tell her I should really go. She agrees and walks me to the door and holds it open. We say our goodbyes and see you laters and I turn my back and start walking back down the stairs and to my car.

Leah's pov

Alex has just left my apartment and what she has told me about the kid and that she has serious anxiety is slightly worrying. I hope she is okay for tomorrow.

I look at the time and notice it's about half eight at night. Where does the time go. I decided I need to eat, so I just make a small ham sandwich and then I decide to call it a night. I go to my room and have a shower, then change into my pjs. I quietly make my way over to Avery's room to see if she is okay.

I walk in and the way she is lying makes a smile appear in my face. I go over to her and pull the covers up so that she is fully covered. I then brush some hair out her face, and place a caring kiss on her forehead. I am just about to walk out when Avery says "thank you le, love you". This instantly makes me smile and I say back to her " goodnight champ, see you in the morning love you too". I shut the door quietly and make it to my room after switching the lights of and locking the front door.
I climb into bed set an alarm for 7 as we have to be at training for 8, well half eight but because Avery needs to meet everyone we need to be there by 8. Which she is going to hate no doubt. I turn my lamp off and get into a comfortable position and close my eyes, I can't help but start to worry about the kid and how she is going to handle tomorrow. If it gets to much, like everyone being Loud and we are inside, I will take her outside. I then think about what she said she loves but how we haven't known each other for that long, but I can't lie I love her to. Like a daughter. I need her to talk to me about her family, I feel like something is going on with her and them. Before I know it am drifting of to sleep.

I am so so sorry that this has taken so long. Enjoy 😉

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