"Let me help"

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Fuck sake. Of course Leah has to be here. I am just going to act like I haven't seen her and walk straight out the door and try and leg it back to my apartment.

So I go to walk past her but not before she starts walking towards me. Shit. Do I carry on walking or what. I decided to turn around to face Leah, and to say that she was worried would definitely be an understatement.When she has caught up to me I carry on walking to the exit with her hot on my tail. I thanks the owner and leave the gym. When we get out I stop and say to Leah


Not being rude but can I help you
Umm yeah I know you haven't known me for awhile, but when i tried to call you and you didn't pick up, I thought something might have happened.
Okay well now you know I am fine, how did you even know I was here.
I went to your apartment and knocked on the door, I was about to leave when this lovely old lady names Doris, asked me if I was looking for you, and I said yes and then she told me that you go here quite frequently.
Ahh so you met Doris
Yeah I did she seems very friendly
She is, look I need to go
I know and you aren't walking I know your in pain, so I am going to drop you of literally at your apartment.
Yep now get in
I am fine thanks though.

With that I turn around and start waking back to my apartment. I get to my apartment block and see Leah's car parked In a parking spot. This girl isn't going to give up. I open the door which leads to the stairs and see Doris, I say a quick hi and she said that someone is outside my door, I say thanks. I make it to my floor and see Leah stood by my door. I get my keys out of my pocket and she looks up at me and smiles. She moves away from the door and I unlocked it and go in, leah is still stood there. I can't shut the door on her as she drove from I guess a hotel to come and make sure that I am okay. So I guess I have to invite her in. I hold the door open and say


You coming in or what, because your letting the heat out
Thank you Avery
Yep. Make your self at home I am going to sort my self out.
Thank you
Your welcome

I leave leah to go and change and clean my self up. I walk the my bathroom and turn the shower on, I haven't been in the shower for long, but I get out, and change into my spare training shorts and a sports bra, and walk into the kitchen to get the first aid kit. As I walk in I see Leah sat at the table on her phone I walk into the room she looks at me then gets up and says


Let me help you kid
I don't need help le
Please let me
Why you don't even know me
I know but I want to know you, especially if you're going to be around me more
What that supposed to mean
I am not supposed to tell you yet you will find after the game tomorrow
Umm okay, definitely not odd at all
So can I help or what
Come sit on the counter.

With that I walk over to the kitchen and sit on one of the counter, as Leah is looking for the first aid I tell her that it is on the top shelf in the cup cupboard, she thanks me and grabs it as well as some wet kitchen role. She then comes over to me and stands in between my legs and takes my face in one of her hands and turns my face to the left, she wipes of all the blood that is on my face, and then she gets an antiseptic wipe for the cuts. She then asks if she can touch my ribs, I say yes and she gently places a hand on them and feels around i wince because of this action . She apologies and then says they don't seem broke only bruised. And that I need to ice them. She then says I can get down. As I get down I stumble and Leah puts one of my arm around her neck and lopes one of her arms around my waist and helps me to the sofa. I then she goes and gets me some ice then passes it to me. Then I say


Thanks you Leah
Your welcome kid, do you need anything
Umm can you get the Mac on the table please
Sure any thing else
um the tv remote please
Yep here is your Mac and the remote
No the remote is for you, so you can sit on the sofa and watch tv if you want
Oh sure thanks, do you have any preference
Na not really, put what you want on.
Okay, strange things it is

Leah then sits down next to me, I open up my Mac and try and get some more work done, but I am tried and hungry. Screw it I am not doing it. I close my Mac and put it in the coffee table. Leah then says "I thought you were going to try work" i then reply "I gave up I am to tired and hungry". She then laughs and pulls out her phone and ask me what I want to eat and I ask if we can get sushi. She says sure and clicks a few things, then she puts her phone away.

I watched the show and feel my eyes getting heavy but I managed to keep them open. About 30 minutes later there is a knock at the door I go to get up but Leah pushes me down gently and says I will get it kid you stay. I Laugh how protective she is of me and we haven't even know each other for a very long time. She comes back with the food and hands me some, she then sits back down in the same spot she was just in. We eat the food without talking but it wasn't uncomfortable. After I finished I asked Leah if she wanted to stay here for tonight. She said sure. I then got up and she then got up very quickly and put and arms around my waist and said "let me help you kid"
I tell her I am just getting walmer clothes on and I am getting her more comfortable clothes. I reach my room and I tell Leah I fine from here.

I put on a baggie top and leave my shorts on. I the give Leah some joggers and one of my old football shirt with the number 12 on, when I played for my secondary school. I point toward the bathroom and tell her that there spare toothbrushes in there that she can use. When she is getting ready, I hobble back to the living room and plop my self back in the sofa. A few minutes later Leah comes back and says


Come on kid let's get you to bed as you have a game tomorrow
And thank you again for this
It is no problem I get pretty lonely living here on my own
Shit I said that out loud
Yeah you did
Umm never mind, I don't live here on my own my family are just on holiday and I didn't want to go, as I have college and football.
Whatever you say

Shit. She get me to my room and I point to her that the spare room is next door to mine before she leaves she turns to me and gives me the biggest hug. This is nice I think to myself, it has been awhile since I have had some look after me and help me. She leaves and I make my way to my bed and fall asleep so quickly.

Enjoy 😉

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