The next morning

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I wake up to the sun pouring into my room, but the December cold still sending shivers down my spine when i step out of my bed, but instantly reaching for something to help steady myself and make my way out and into the kitchen. It seems that Leah is still asleep. Good.   I use the walls to help me walk to the kitchen, but of course on my way over I trip over one of my shoes which sends me falling to the ground with a loud thump. I hope I didn't wake Leah up as she has help me enough. I lift my head of the floor to see if there is any movement coming from her door, but there isn't. Thank god. I stay on the floor for a little longer trying to think of a way to get up with out me either falling over again or making to much noise. So i decide to turn on my left side but instantly regretting it as my ribs are killing me. How am I going to play if I am in this much pain that I can't even get up of the ground. I roll back into my previous position. I close my eyes in hope that the pain we subside, but instead I hear footsteps and then feel someone's hand on my left shoulder. I open my eyes to be met with Leah's blues eyes. I never noticed how pretty they are. I let out a annoyed sigh as I didn't want to wake her up at 8 in the morning. Leah then says


Are you okay?!
Yeah yep just umm trip on my shoe
Oh well let me help you to the table then I can make you something, like what you eat before a game.
Thanks but I should be the one cooking as you are the guest.
Yes but you are injured and if I have to pick you up myself and make sure you don't hurt yourself more then that is what I will do.
You not going to give up are you le
No I am not kid, you need to be looking after yourself more.
I only trip it happens to all of us
Yes but I was talking about you and getting punched and kicked.
Okay but can you help me of the ground as it is kind of cold down here

With that she lets go of one of my shoulder and places herself in front of me and pulls me of the ground then she wraps one of my arms around her neck and one of her arms around my waist. She then walks me to the table and pulls a chair out for me and then tell me not to move.
She asks me what I want and I said can I just have cereal. I then tell her where everything is, She comes back with two bowls of cereal and places one in front of me and then I asks if there is anything else I need. I say could you get me the strong paracetamols, she comes back with the pills and a water. Then sits opposite me and we eat in silence but not awkward silence. After we have both finished she clears our Bowls. She then helps me back to my room and I pack my bag for the game. I shove the pills at the bottom of my bag, after I have done that I put on some joggers and a hoodie, I am fine to walk now as the painkillers have kicked in thanks Fuck. I enter the hall to see Leah waiting for me. I ask her if she is ready.


You ready Leah
Yeah I am are you ready and how do you feel.
I am ready to, and I feel fine now thanks
Right so where to now
So we need to go to the training ground to then get in s bus for 30 minutes and then we are there.
Okay champ you lead the way
Really champ
Nothing nothing

I sling my training bag over my shoulder and hold the door open for Leah, then I make sure the lights and heating is of and lock the door behind us both. Then we start walking down all the flights of starts to the exit of the building and to where Leah had parked her car. When we make it to the car Leah tells me how I can put my bag in the boot, so I do then o get in the passenger side and do my seatbelt up. Leah starts the car and starts to drive to the training ground.  The car ride when fast there was conversation here and there but they weren't very long. I pulled out my phone when we were so it 5 minutes away and saw that Ivy has been messaging me and calling me, I going to ignore her for now. I fell bad but she has her self to blame. We make it to the training ground to see all the girls with there kit and full of energy. I see Sam jumping up and down and Olivia trying to get her to relax a little, this makes me laugh. I get out of Leah's car and grab my bag and thank Leah again and then make my way over to the girls, Sam sees me and runs towards me and picks me up and spins me around, she finally puts me down and all the girls say hi the coach tell us they are ready for us to get on the bus. Next time we stop will be at the other teams football pitch. This is going to be fun.

Sorry this took so long I had to make lots  of apple juice. Enjoy 😉

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