"Always here for you"

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Narrators pov
Avery suddenly wakes up sweating and shaking, this has happen more frequently then It use too. Well after she went to therapy and they gave her meds to help her cope with it.

Avery gets out of bed and makes her way to the bathroom and leans her hands on the sides of the sink and looks at her self in the mirror, and think she shouldn't be here, they died how is she still alive. How is she coping. Well the thing is she isn't, completely the opposite she tells people that their still alive and lies about what they did on weekends, because well she use to think that people would judge her, and that she will never have a people to call a true family. You know.

She still does but after meeting Leah she has been knock, not in a bad way. Possibly a good way, the way she cares for Avery and makes sure she's okay, the way she is protective over Avery really reminds her of a mother protecting her daughter. Avery then turns the cold tap on and splashed her face with water hoping to take her out of her mind. To allow herself to try and fall back asleep. Which is highly doubtful. As she never does after a nightmare.

Avery then walks back to her bed and checks the time on her alarm clock, which is on top of her bedside table, that also had a photo of her whole family on and some other really random things. As she gets back in bed she reaches for her phone that is also on her bedside table to see what time it is.

Avery's pov
I reach for my phone to check the time, ugh! It only 1:45. I Lie back down in my bed and close my eyes hoping to fall asleep.
But after a minute of staring at the plain white ceiling I gave up, I sat up grabbed my phone snapped a few people back and watched tick-tock for probably about 5 more minutes, then realised I should probably try and sleep if I am saying good bye to my old team and hello to my new team. Yay. Note the hit of sarcasm.

I put my phone back on charge, and stand up out of my bed and make my way towards Leah's room. If I can't sleep on my own then why not try to sleep with someone next to me. I don't think Le will mind. Will she.

I reach her door but go to knock, wait do I want to knock she probably asleep and that may wake her, but then I don't want to invade her space if I don't. Ahaha  I need to make my mind up. I decided not to knock and just quietly walk in. I quietly open the door and slip in and then quietly close the door behind me, and now the only light is from the gap in the curtains and the light seeping in from under the door. I walk towards her bed which she is sleeping in soundly. So jealous of her right now.

How do I wake her, do is gently shake her or what. I place a hand on her shoulder and very gently shake her. Nothing. I try again, damn this girl is hard to wake up. Screw this she isn't waking up, who needs sleep ayy, not me. Well maybe I do but oh well.

I go to walk away from her bed and towards the door when I feel a hand grip my wrist gently, I turn back toward the bed where previously there was a sleeping Leah, but now she is awake. What now. Leah let's go of my wrist and moves herself so that there is more room, then she lift the duvet and then she says
Come here you, what's going on in the head of yours ayy
Thanks Le, nothing important don't worry
I am always going to worry kid, but if you don't want to tell me yet then there is no pressure okay, just letting you know that I am alway here for you no matter what.

I alway here for you to Le, no matter the situation.
She gently pulls me down so that I am lying down with my back towards her, she then put the duvet over me and wraps and arm loosely around my waist. I turn around so that we are facing each other, I also move closer to her so that my head is under her face. Something about this makes me feel.....safe. I know I haven't known Leah for long but I can tell that she is all ready someone I will always protect her not matter what. She grips onto me tighter and with her other hand she is running it through my hair. I swear if she keeps doing this going to fall asleep. Finally.

I close my eyes and just before I drop of to sleep I get her whisper to me "goodnight kid, I am alway here for you, love you kid". I then feel her place a gently kiss on my forehead and I smile at this and cuddle closer to her.

Leah's pov
I am not to sure on what the time is but I am awoken by someone, who I assume is Avery shaking me, but then it stops. I open my eyes to see her waking away so I gently take her wrist, and turns back around so that she is facing me and I lift the covers up and move back so there is space in front of me. After a small conversation I pull her down so that her her back is facing me, then i wrap an arm around her waist and pull her more towards me.

After a little while of this she moves so that we are face to face, well her head is rested on my collar bone and my chin is rest on the top of her head, one of my hands running through her hair and I notice her getting sleepy from this movement, so I keep doing it. Until she is practically asleep, i then tell her "goodnight kid, I am alway here for you, love you kid". Then place a gently kiss on her forehead and close my eyes, not long after that I am asleep. Busy day tomorrow.

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