"Glad your on our team" 

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Hey so I decided that I am going to skip the signing and just jump into Avery's first practice. Don't know if this number is anyone but if so sorry. Her number is 10.

Avery's pov

I am sat in my cubby hole in the changing room, next to Caitlin Foord. She very nice, they all are. I am so excited I got my first official training session in 10 minutes. To be honest I feel like I am going to be getting along with everyone on this team. This was the right choice, and the best choice.

I have just done up the laces on my boots, and put my shin-pads on, I feel a hand on my back. I turn to my left to see Kim Little our captain sat next to me. She then goes on to talk about if I ever need to talk she here and she said she can't wait to see what I have got. Now I need to show up.

I stand up and head out to the pitch, as I get closer, my nerves start to kick in. What if I am not good enough, what if I play badly? But I am brought out of this negative spiral by two arms landing around my shoulder, I look to my left and see Beth Mead, i quickly met her earlier, she seem fun. On my right is katie McCabe, now this is going to be fun, definitely feel like we are going to be a pain to the rest of the team. Katie says hi and all three of us instantly get on, laughing and chatting about anything, this is really helping calm my nerves down. But before I know it I am walking into the pitch, I suddenly stop causing Katie and Beth to also stop, Beth gently takes my hand while Kate gently squeeze my shoulders, Beth then says "hey kid, you got this there is nothing to worry about, I bet you 10 pounds that you will megs Jordan, you will do brilliantly". Katie agrees and I nod my head. I take a deep breath and carry on walking.

Jones has put us in pairs for the first half of training, I am with Steph Catley, great player. We are doing a drill where you have to dribble the ball through polls score in the big goal, that has a goalie in, then run to your partner and high-five then they have to do the same thing, winner is the first pair to complete it 5 times.

Obviously everyone was competitive, at one point Beth was running with the ball towards the goal and she "tripped". More like Jordan gently shoving Beth causing her to stubble and fall flat on her face, causing everyone to laugh, she then shouted ref and Jonas gave Beth and Caitlin a free goal. Giving them the lead.

We are all currently on a water break and I am sat on the ground, laugh at something Beth had said causing me and Katie to fall into a laughing fit. After I had calmed down I feel the presence of someone sitting next to me, I turn my head and see Leah sat next to me. I smile at her and she smiles back, she then said about how she hopes I am on her team for the mini match, but Beth jumps into the conversation and said she has claimed me. They then start to argue about who's team I should be on, but before it can get more interesting Kim hops in and says that no-one can claim me.

Jonas calls us all over and then explains what we are going to do for the next part of training. "Alright so for the next part of training we are going to be doing a mini match, two team of 10. Okay so we have the team wearing bibs first, Kim, Jordan, Leah, Kaylan, Tayah, Lia, Lina, Victoria, Sabrina and Viv, we may have subs for both teams. For the next team we have Katie, Beth, Avery, Caitlin, Steph, Manuela, Stina, Rafaelle, Jen and Lottie. Go get ready girls". We are going to destroy them, well I hope anyways.

We all get into our positions and we lose the coin flip so they start. Don't get me wrong they are all great players, but we need to be better. Leah has the ball she pass the ball to Kim, who dribbles pass a player then passes to viv who then gets passed more of our team, but not Jen, Jen takes a risk and slides in taken the ball with her and not hurting Viv, she then pass to Me and I run searching for away to press forward, I see that Katie has managed to shake of her defender and is in space, I cross the ball to her as she has just made it into a dangerous zone, she the powers the ball into the back of the net. First Assist. Katie runs to me and shouts "glad your on our team and that I don't have to play against you, great cross". Then the rest of our team mob us and after a bit Jonas tell us to get ready for kick off again. The other team did manage to get a goal but not before we getting another one, leading us to take the win. Great first practice.

Jonas tell us to go get changed and says that he will tell us the starting line up before the game against Reading. I know I won't make it in but I will still be buzzing to be there and to be able to cheer them on. We all leave the pitch and make it to the changing room, where everyone and I mean everyone congratulates me for my first training session. Leah comes up to me and wrapped me up in her arms and gives me a big hug, I try getting out as she is all sweaty but she is way to strong. When she puts me down I tell her she smells and playful push her in the direction of the showers, she laughs and says "get use to it kid". I all ready love this team.

After I have changed I post some photos of my first training session, to well announce my signing.

Lets just say the for the first photo Avery is Victoria and the second one she is Kim and for the last one she is Katie.



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I am happy to say that I am now apart of this amazing team of fabulous female footballers, thank you for welcoming me with open arms

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I am happy to say that I am now apart of this amazing team of fabulous female footballers, thank you for welcoming me with open arms. ❤️

@OfficialArsenal- your are the next big thing Avery. One of us now.
^@AverySmith01- @OfficialArsesnl- can't get rid of me now. Once a gooner now a gunner ❤️
@Bethmead09- glad the only time I play against you is in training, the other teams should be scared. 🫣
^@AverySmith01- @Bethmead09- so they should
@LeahWilliamson- proud of you kid 🤍❤️
^@AverySmith01- @LeahWilliamson-  I should be the one thanking you. ❤️ x

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Hope you enjoy 😉

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