Second half

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Me and the girls leave the changing room after coach has said his speech that definitely got our blood pumping and are hearts thumping, as we make our way out of the tunnel and back on to the pitch to pick up the where we left off, Jess leading us out of the tunnel as we make are way to our places on the pitch you can feel the energy radiating of the fan with every cheer and clap that someone makes. I look over to the other team and they also seem ready to finish this game, but probably not how they want to end it, I am just stood in my position and I look around and I spot someone who I haven't seen in ages, and to be honest I do miss them even more now that I have seen them. I give them a smile and raise my arm and wave at her I think they were surprised by this but smiled back and also waved to me. When I look at her it feels like the whole world has stoped and i get completely lost in her deep green eyes and her light freckles that sprinkle her face, that shimmer under the stadium lights, I don't realise I have been staring until I feel someones hand on my shoulder, I snap out and see that it is Jess and she tells me we are about to start. I glance one more time in the stand where I was previously looking to see that she was still looking in my direction, I hear the whistle get blown again. Let the game go on.

Commentary people
Jessica starts of with the ball in the centre, she then passes to Olivia who the dribbles the ball down the pitch a bit, she sees Maisie and does a long pass, which gets intercepted and now number 12 is making her way down the pitch as well as a few more teammates and the opposition is trailing it all up to the defenders to stop the ball, number 12 passes to number 34 and they cross the ball into the box were number 2 is waiting for the ball, she jumps in the air and....GOAL THEY HAVE DONE IT they have equalised the game with only 10 minutes left until full time. Looks like we could be going into extra time.

Shit. Ahaha Fuck shit motherfuckers. Now we have to work even harder to get the next goal we can't afford a single mistake. Jess call us all over and she says "right team we can't let this get to us we can still win, don't force anything take your time, do you remember the play we did in practice when Leah was there, well how about we use are secret weapon and win the game, WHO IS WITH ME, pass the ball play smart not fast, ready to show them to mess with us, LETS DO THIS FUCKING THING." After that we all raise are arms and put are hands in fists and Jess says "win in three, two, one" with that we all shout win and get ready to take this game and shove it away with a 2-1 win. Jess goes in the middle and the whistle goes.
It may not be a corner but it could still work if someone gets to the top of the box and then crosses it to me. That is exactly what happens. Olivia has the ball at the top of the box and looks around and sees me, yes I have defenders on me but this is a challenge that I am going to try and win, Olivia crosses the ball and I wait for the right moment and then jump in the air but so do the defenders and I manage to get a few inches above them but that doesn't mean it is over just yet, i can feel the defenders shoulders bang into me and one of them elbows me but not hard enough to stop me.

Olivia has the ball from a fantastic pass from Lucy, Olivia makes her way to the top of the box and seems to be looking for a certain player, she crosses the ball into the box and Avery jump up and so do the defender near her. Looks like we have a challenge there seems to be a bit of pushing and maybe an elbow but that doesn't stop Avery from getting her head in contact with the ball and....GOAL THEY HAVE WON THE GAME what a great goal who new she could get in the air like that, the crowed are going crazy. But there seems to be a problem, it looks like Avery is down and is holding her ankle. Jessica goes over to her and then signals for their team medics. Hope she is okay. Thank you all for coming and watching this very interesting and intense game, see you next week when we see the Devon dragons go against the WestLine tigers.

I feel my head make contact with the ball but I don't see it going in, but I can tell it does as the crowd cheer. As I land on the ground I suddenly feel a shooting pain in my left ankle, I try to get up but I can't so I stay down and grab my ankle. I see Jess come over she bends down and says "hey you okay what happened" then I say "it's my ankle I think I have sprained it, FUCK this hurts" she then calls the medics over and places a hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving around so much. The medics come over and after a few minutes one of them say "okay Avery you haven't done anything serious but it will hurt for a few days you are most likely not going to be able to walk on it today, you have sprained your ankle but we are going to need you to get cheeked out by the physio." I nod my head. Thank god it is nothing serious. I try and get up but I can't, I think Jess knows this as she pulls me up and slings one of my arms around her shoulders and one of the medics do the same to the other side. I notice that everyone has practically left the field, we start making our way to the tunnel but I want to shake hands with the other team, I tell Jess that I make my way over to them and they see me coming and all shake my hand and congratulate me. After that we make our way into the tunnel and then the medics and Jess lead me to recovery room and place me on one of the beds, the physio comes over and starts looking at it. She then says "okay Avery you definitely have sprained your ankle here are some pain killers you should take two every four hours, keep it elevated and iced, but apart from that your all set I will talk to your coach and he will most like want you to take your time when you recover and not to push your self to far. You can go do you need help up."
I then say "no I am okay thank you though". She leaves me and I just Lie back down and put my arms over my head, and close my eyes, that was a close call. I hear a knock at the door even though it is open and I take my hands of my face and tilt my head to see Leah. I tell her she can come in. I sit up and Leah sits next to me and puts an arm around my shoulder I lean my head on her shoulder and then she says "hey you how you holding up, how is your ankle and ribs, you scared me out there I thought you had serious hurt your self". Then I say "hey I am fine I guess it was a close call though I have take some more meds for the pain, to be honest I kinda forgot about my ribs until someone decided to elbow me but I am okay, sorry for scaring you I think I scared a lot of people." We both laugh at this she then asks if I need help I say no but she looks at me and raises her eyebrows and says "really" I then raise my hands as if I was surrounding and she giggle and lops one of her arms around my waist and I put one of my arms over her shoulders and with her help I gobble out the recovery room and into the changing room, Leah tell me she is going to be in a seat by the pitch, I nod my head and thank her and make my way into the room. As I walk in and start making my way to my seat some people pat my back and someone shouts "there she is the woman of the hour." The whole room erupts into laughter, I take my seat and start getting changed I normally have a shower but I can wait until I get home, we have all gotten changed and coach make sure it is safe to come in and he walks over to me and says that Leah want to talk to me about something, I say okay and tel lathe girl I will see them on the bus.
I struggle to walk and Sam sees me and says " would you like a piggyback ride to where Leah is" I say " yes please you are a life saver", se both laugh and I get on her back and we both make it outside, Sam is stood and I am on her back and we are looking for Leah and when we see her Sam carry's me up to her and when Leah sees us she gets up and helps me to sit down. I thank Sam and she leaves and says she will see me in the bus I say yes and then after Sam is gone lit is quiet but not an
uncomfortable quiet. I can tell Leah want to say something but I don't know if she want me to say something first, I go to say something and so does this this sends us both into a fit of laughter and after we have stop I look and Leah and she looks at me and says
So this may be a really big shock to you but you have been scouted by the Arsenal senior team, that is the reason I was at your practice and at this game. I have talked to your coach me he said that he can tell the girl or you can, I am so happy that I got to tell you this because I can tell you are going to fit in so well. I am so proud of you kid even if you don't know me very well.
I am not sure what to say I can tell she means what she has just said but like WHAT, they want me to play for them. That is insane.

OMG that is insane, I would be honoured to play with you and the girl, I just don't understand why, surely there are better people. Thank you Leah I mean it.
So is this a yes, and the reason we want you is because you have so much potential and skill in you.
This is so cool. When should I tell the girls.
When ever you feel comfortable and read to but by the way there are a few people here who want to see you.
Okay I think I will tell them tomorrow at the meeting.
Okay ready to meet them all I have to do is text one of them and then they will come.
Okay I ready to meet the people.

I know this one is lignite but I felt like writing a long one. Enjoy 😉

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