41. mmmmmm

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I got a lots of comments and long too
On the chapter I said I was feeling sad
About many thing mainly taekook.
People saying if you ship them then you aren't a true army.
Well I don't give a damn curry burry about those hoes.
I believes in what I want and write about what I want.
I write for myself and make us both happy.
That's enough and my biggest supporter is my mamma😛...
Although she still believe Jungkook is a bottom for Tae😂.
But it's OK I believed them as switch😃.
Mostly thank you a lot for all those comment it motives me a lots.
Taekook is real or not... Doesn't matter
The love we see between them is real that's for sure... And we live by that💜
Atleast we are mature and doesn't force other to believe they are wrong for shipping other idols....
But you mah expensive bishes you make me proud of you all so mature and perfect (to me.. So stfu and accept when I said you are perfect to me)
(๑•̀ㅂ •́)و ✧💜💜💜💜


Taehyung was in the middle of the f*cking forest.... Fear creeping through his bones as he was sitting near the small river. Bich was no Disney princess talking to animal.... Well... Maybe... Because there was a black wolf hovering over his body with glowing red eyes...

"J-Jungkook...",He swallow hard, his throat burning as he watch the wolf nuzzling his nose against his flat tummy.

You might be asking... What the fck is going on here... Last time I check we were in that home sweet home of the Jeons and now in the middle of the fcking forest.... Well thing is right after Jungkook growl his first words he turned into his wolf and decided to bring Taehyung in the middle of the forest on his back.

The little omega didn't know what to think or do... Oh wait he did have a thought tho... Will THE ALPHA BISH KILL ME IN THE FOREST ! NOT WANTING TO DIRTY HIS HOME SOUR HOME!...

Taehyung gasp in shock watching the big black wolf suddenly jump around with his tail wagging furiously. Then let out a loud hurl echoing in the silent forest, covering many creatures sound. Fluffy tail still wagging around like a fan, walk towards Taehyung and excitedly lick his mate face. Causing Taehyung to giggle in disgust, yet more at peace knowing Jungkook was happy with his pregnancy.

"I am so happy darling!! We will have our pup soon in our arms!! ", Taehyung look back in Jungkook's still red eyes as he completely transform back into his human form. His long curly hair sticking, here and there with a huge toothy grin on his lips.

"You should have tell me right away yesterday! I was a little dissapointed you didn't! But it's OK now!! I will protect you bothhhh!! You makes me so happy love! ",Naked Jungkook continue leaving sweet happy kisses over Taehyung's face and neck.

"I-I am happy too koo",Taehyung smile, his fear wash away like my mamma wash away my evil grin, after she says I look like the stupidest Grinch ever.

Jungkook squeal loudly, his nose scrunch as he look up at Taehyung, happy that his omega was happy to carry their pup.....if only he knew, Taehyung didn't want it before... But all was good... Like who was gonna to tell him?..... Not me atleast nor Taehyung....

"Wear something koo! You are naked in the middle of the forest ",Taehyung glare at him his eyes turning blue. Jungkook didn't mind right now getting scolded by his omega, so he just lean back chuckling.

"I don't have any clothes, I usually bring with me... But I suddenly got over excited and overwhelmed! I forgot it... I got the feeling I would burst there, so I took us here!!  but I still can't believe it!! Our pup is hereee! ",Jungkook's glassy eyes, looking lovingly at the soft tummy of his husband while he caress it.

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