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In the 31st century, a scholar by the name of Nathaniel Richards, a descendant of Reed Richards of the the Fantastic Four becomes fascinated with history and discovers the time travel technology created by Victor von Doom, better known to the world as Doctor Doom. Nathaniel travels back in time to ancient Egypt aboard a Sphinx-shaped time ship and becomes the Pharaoh Rama-Tut, with plans to claim En Sabah Nur, the mutant destined to become Apocalypse as his heir. Rama-Tut's rule is cut short when he is defeated by the time-displaced Fantastic Four. An embittered Nathaniel Richards travels forward to the 20th century where he meets Doctor Doom, whom he believes might be his ancestor. He later designs an armor based on Doom's and began calling himself the Scarlet Centurion. He would go on to pit the Fantastic Four against alternate-reality counterparts. He plans to dispose of all of them, but the Guardians of the Galaxy manage to force him from the timeline.

Nathaniel then tries to return to the 31st century, but overshoots by a thousand years, discovering a war-torn Earth that uses advanced weapons they no longer understand. He finds it simple to conquer the planet, expanding his dominion throughout the galaxy, and reinvents himself as Kang the Conqueror. But this future world is dying, and so he decides to take over an earlier, more fertile Earth.

In his own time, Kang falls for the princess of one of his subject kingdoms, Ravonna, who does not return his feelings. In an attempt to demonstrate his power, he kidnaps the Guardians of the Galaxy and, after several escape attempts on their part, subdues them and the rebellious kingdom with the help of his army. When Kang refuses to execute Ravonna, his commanders revolt and he frees the Guardians to fight with him against them. They successfully subdue them, but not before Ravonna is mortally wounded when she leaps in front of a blast meant for Kang, realizing she does love him after all. Kang returns the Guardians to their present, and places Ravonna's body in stasis.

Mircea, The Cosmic Goddess of Ice continues guarding the Multiverse after the defeat of her brother, Emric. Mircea sits on her ship when suddenly it gets attacked. Another ship, a bigger ship that's shaped like a sword traps Mircea's ship with a tractor beam as it brings it on board. Mircea prepares to defended herself as Ultron bots board her ship. The Ultron bots find Mircea as she begins to attack them. Mircea destroys them one by one when she gets stunned from behind.

 Mircea destroys them one by one when she gets stunned from behind

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Ultron: You know, for a Cosmic Goddess... I expected more from you. My bots were meant to be that easy for you so I can capture you.

Mircea gets captured by Ultron and brings her on board the large ship.

Ultron: Welcome onboard the Damocles.

Mircea is put inside a containment cube as she regains conscience and looks around.

Mircea: What is this?

Kang The Conqueror: Welcome on board the Damocles, Mircea.

From the shadows, Kang The Conqueror emerged.

From the shadows, Kang The Conqueror emerged

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Mircea: Kang.

Kang The Conqueror: Ah, you know who I am. Good, because I know who you are. And you are going to tell me everything you know about the Multiverse.

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