Chapter 28

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Location: Kang's Citidel

The paragons were brought to Kang's throne room. Doc Ock & Baxter Stockman begin connecting tube onto their stasis cubes.

Buffy Summers: Anyone have any ideas on how to get out of these things and whoop Kang's ass?

Hellboy: I've got nothing.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: It's impossible to escape.

Batman: We're gonna have to rely on our friends.

Kang The Conqueror: Your friends? The same friends who are about attack my citadel?

Donnie: Yeah, and they're gonna kick your ass.

Kang The Conqueror: Not if my friends have anything to say about it.

The Avengers & Justice League begin fighting their way towards Kang's citadel. Kang's forces begin to counter attack but are quickly defeated. Once they arrived to the citadel, they are greeted by Ultron.

Ultron: How nice, you've brought friends.

The Sinister 6, Blight, M.O.D.O.K., Steel Serpent, Gorr The God Butcher, Ultron bots, aliens, mummies, Daleks, & Karl Ruprect Kroenen now join Ultron as they outnumber the heroes.

Ultron: So did I.

Doctor Strange: We've got more friends.

Strange & Wong both open up multiple portals as the Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova Corp, The Lone Ranger, Tonto, Jonah Hex, Zorro, the townspeople of the old west, Rick O'Connell, Evelyn & Jonathan Carnahan, Iron Fist, Swamp Thing, Man-Thing, Spider-Knight, The Black Knight, Merlin, Bat Knight, & the demi-gods all emerge from them.

Doctor Strange: You were saying?

Ultron: Attack!

The fight is on as the battle for the Multiverse begins. The paragons & Mircea look from monitors that Kang set so they can watch.

Kang The Conqueror: Watch as your friends will die as they try to stop me.

Back at the battle...

Mr. Fantastic: Scott, Janet, you guys go ahead.

Ant-Man & Wasp both shrink as she grabs him and fly their way up to the tower of the citadel. They reached to the top and find a teleporter.

Wasp: There's a teleporter up here.

Ant-Man: That must be our way in.

They both go into the teleporter as they are teleported inside. They find themselves inside as they look around and see Daleks roaming the hallways.

Ant-Man: What are those?

Wasp: No clue. We need to find the paragons.

As Ant-Man & The Wasp sneak around, the battle outside continues on. The pirates are firing their cannons at the citadel with Kang's forces firing back. Swamp Thing & Man-Thing team up by combining their powers against the Ultron bots. The Batmobile comes flying in as Terry McGinnis & Groot jump put to join in on the battle. Doctor Strange, Captain America, Superman, & Captain Marvel begin to descend up in the air.

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