Chapter 9

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Location: Tortuga

The Black Pearl has set sail as the crew and the turtles investigate into Chronopolis.

Leo: We're getting closer to the barrier.

Mikey: I think I see a tower.

Scrum: I don't suppose anyone has a plan into how we get up into that black hole.

Raph: I don't suppose shooting someone from a cannon might work.

Donnie: It's too far up to shoot someone from a cannon.

Jack Sparrow: We can shoot the monkey, he's undead.

Raph: Undead?

Joshamee Gibbs: The monkey couldn't resist in taking a medallion from the cursed treasure of Cortés.

Jack Sparrow: Quite the little thief.

Leo: You guys think the others got dragged into Chronopolis?

Donnie: I hope so. We could use their help.

Location: New York

Rocket, Groot, Nebula, Mantis, Drax, Human Torch, & The Thing hopped on board of the Banatar and take off. They head towards where the forest is located.

Nebula: There's the black hole.

Rocket Raccoon: Everyone hold on.

Groot: I am Groot.

The Banatar goes through the black hole as the Guardians now find themselves inside the forest.

The Thing: It was a portal.

Mantis: What beautiful forest.

Rocket Raccoon: Why does Kang want a forest for...

Suddenly, something hits the Banatar as they start to lose control.

Rocket Raccoon: What was that?

Nebula: We hit something.

Rocket Raccoon: What did we hit? There's nothing out here.

Human Torch: Hold on, everyone!

The Banatar has lost control as it begins to crash down.

Drax: We've need to crash land.

Mantis: Look!

Mantis points out that there's another portal as the Banatar goes through and the Guardians end up in...

Location: Egypt

The Banatar crash land in the desert. The ship is damaged but the Guardians are safe.

Human Torch: What happened?

The Guardians, Human Torch & The Thing exit the Banatar as they look at the damage.

Rocket Raccoon: Look at my ship! Look what they did to my ship!

Nebula: What did this?

Drax: Sand. I hate sand.

Groot: I am Groot.

The Guardians now find themselves in the deserts of Egypt.

Mantis: Where are we?

Rocket Raccoon: I don't know. But If I find out who did this to my ship, I'm gonna blow them a new one!

Nebula: Look.

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