Chapter 8

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Location: Evergreen County

Hannah flies all over Evergreen as she sees cowboys, aliens, robots, pirates, & knight all over town with no clue on how they got here. While walking towards Liberty, Katherine has been telling Clay what she knows so far about the alternate Hannah.

Clay Jensen: So let me get this straight. On this other Earth, me & Hannah are married with kids, we're both Green Lanterns, and we're also members of the Justice League. Jeff is still alive, Bryce is dead. What else am I missing?

Katherine Baker: The only important thing is that she's alive and that you're both happy.

Clay Jensen: And she told you everything that's on the tapes?

Katherine Baker: Yes, she did. Which explains your weird behavior.

Katherine socks Clay on the shoulder again.

Clay Jensen: Ow. What was that for this time?

Katherine Baker: For taking a naked picture of Tyler and sent it around & for keying Zach's car. What were you thinking, Clay. Alternate Hannah didn't approve, you think my Hannah would?

Clay Jensen: Well, no. But I wasn't thinking straight. Those tape are messing with my mind.

Katherine Baker: Why didn't you tell about the tapes? Why?

Clay Jensen: Tony told me not to. You're not on them, that's what I know. We were going to tell you, me & Tony. I was gonna wait till I listened to them all.

Katherine Baker: I know about Bryce & Jessica.

Clay Jensen: Shit, she told you that?

Katherine Baker: She told me everything. Even what's on yours. No spoilers. But I do want to listen to them, once this is all over.

Clay Jensen: Yeah, deal. We're here.

They arrived to Liberty High as school was done for the day. The students & staff have already left after Hannah took them away. They go up to the bike rack as Clay unlocks his bike chain.

Katherine Baker: Did you love her? Hannah?

Clay just look at the ground as he closes his eye.

Clay Jensen: I did.

He opens his eyes and looks at Hannah's twin sister.

Clay Jensen: I admit when I first met her, I developed a crush. I got jealous when she was into Justin. I enjoyed her company at work and at school. And when we danced at the Winter Formal...

Katherine Baker: That's when you fell for her.

Tears begin to run down from both their eyes Clay wipes away his tears.

Clay Jensen: I wanted to kiss her that moment before Monty ruined it.

Katherine Baker: But then you did. At Jessica's party.

Clay Jensen: She told you?

Katherine Baker: Not super hero Hannah, my Hannah. After the party the next morning before we heard about Jeff, she told me about it. You kissed her, and she kissed you back. But then she kicked you out of Jessica's room.

Clay Jensen: I thought because I did something wrong.

Katherine Baker: It wasn't you, Clay. She actually liked you. Loved you, I don't know the answer to that. But since the other Hannah did marry other you, and they're in love...

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