Chapter 20

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Location: Manhattan Noir

Clay Jensen: This is a bad idea.

Katherine's plan to get into Kingpin's building: To tell them Spider-Man's identity.

Katherine Baker: Trust me it will work.

Katherine's plan is to use a fake name as a identity for Spider-Man. By claiming to know Spider-Man's identity it would probably get them in and and they would sneak them in. The Noir Spider-Man gave them spare clothes that he had at his pad so Clay & Katherine could blend in.

Katherine Baker: It was nice for the other Spider-Man to offer us these 1920's clothes.

Clay Jensen: It's not gonna work.

Katherine Baker: Yes, it will. So just chill.

The others look on from the roof.

Spider-Man: Is this actually going to work?

Buffy Summers: That depends, how dumb are these gangsters?

Spider-Man (Noir): Most of them are.

Daredevil: As for the others, not so dumb.

Buffy Summers: I hope this works.

Clay & Katherine arrive to the front entrance of the building where a gangster is on guard letting the guest inside.

Katherine Baker: Here goes nothing.

Clay & Katherine approach the gangster.

Clay Jensen: Excuse us, sir?

Gangster: What do you kids want?

Clay Jensen: We would like to see the Kingpin.

Gangster: I don't know what you're talking about. This here is a private event.

Katherine Baker: We have some information that we think Kingpin might be interested.

Gangster: Like I said, I don't know what you're talking about. Now, I suggest you 2 get moving.

Katherine Baker: We know the identity of Spider-Man.

Gangster stops what he was doing and looks at the 2 teens.

Gangster: What?

Katherine Baker: We know the identity of Spider-Man. We figured that Kingpin might have a reward for that.

Gangster: You better not be pulling my string.

Clay Jensen: We're not pulling your string.

Gangster: Wait right here.

The gangster enter the building as the teens now wait.

Clay Jensen: It's not going to work. They're going to have us shot for this.

Katherine Baker: Were you always this much of a wuss?

Clay Jensen: I'm not a wuss.

Katherine Baker: Well you weren't that night when we went to Jeff's and tried molly.

Clay Jensen: Hey, that was peer pressure.

Katherine Baker: It didn't looked like it when you spent the rest of that night with Hannah.

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