Chapter 12

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Location: Future Gotham

After Doctor Strange departed for Mephisto's Realm, Wong opened up portals for the others. For Batman & Green Lantern, the portal took them to a futuristic Gotham City. The sun had already been set as it's now dark time in Chronopolis. They arrive to Gotham as they find themselves on the roof of a building. The see around them as flying cars fly by.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Wow! It's like Blade Runner.

Batman: So this is what Gotham will look like in the future.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Do you think it's from our Earth?

Batman: Hard to tell. Summon the will-o'-wisp.

Wong gave everyone an orb that contains a will-o'-wisp. Wong told them to smash the orb to summon it and to it to find the paragons. Hannah takes the orb out and throws it on the ground as it smashes up. Once it was smashed, a blue flame appears.

 Once it was smashed, a blue flame appears

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Hannah Baker-Jensen: Wow.

Batman: Find the paragon that's here in Gotham.

The will-o'-wisp begins to lead them to where the paragon is located. Hannah uses her power ring to form an orb around her & Batman and fly off to follow the blue flame. They pass by the flying cars as they also look down at the people of Gotham and how they look like. The will-o'-wisp leads them to a building as it disappears.

Batman: Wayne/Powers?

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Powers?

Batman: Looks like in this Gotham, Wayne Enterprises must've merge with another company.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Who's Powers? Do you know any Powers?

Batman: There's the Powers family in Gotham. They're in the same business as me.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: How do we get in?

Batman: We're gonna have to scout the area.

Batman & Hannah scout around area to see if they can find a way inside Wayne/Powers. However, they aren't the only ones looking at breaking in. An invisible presence spotted them.

Batman (Terry McGinnis): Bruce, I'm not the only one looking to break into Wayne/Powers/

Bruce Wayne (Old): Who do you see?

Batman (Terry McGinnis): Looks like a Green Lantern. And someone dressed as Batman.

Bruce Wayne (Old): Green Lantern and Batman?

Batman (Terry McGinnis): You think they have anything to do with Chronopolis?

Bruce Wayne (Old): Only one way to find out. Follow them.

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