Chapter 18

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Location: HYDRA Empire

Sam Wilson & Hellboy opted to go to the world of the HYDRA Empire. Joining them are Miles Morales & The Hulk. They go through a portal that Wong opened up for them. Once they've arrived, they see a city that's under HYDRA control.

Captain America: I thought we were done with HYDRA.

Spider-Man (Miles Morales): What's HYDRA?

Captain America: They started out as a Nazi division created by the Red Skull before he turned on them.

Hellboy: Nazis, huh. I've dealt with them before.

The Hulk: Hulk no like Nazis.

Captain America: Keep it cool, Hulk. According to Strange & Wong, that building there...

Sam points to a building that's covered with a large HYDRA banner.

Captain America: We should find the shard inside.

Spider-Man (Miles Morales): And how do we get in?

At that moment, they were spotted by HYDRA agents.

At that moment, they were spotted by HYDRA agents

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HYDRA Agent: Hold it right there!

The agents take out their guns and point them at the heroes.

Hellboy: Busted. What do we do now?

The Hulk: Hulk, SMASH!

The Hulk begins to attack the HYDRA agents in a fit of rage as he grabs one of them and uses him like a baseball bat. The people around the city watch and get scared as they run for their lives.

Spider-Man (Miles Morales): I take it from their reaction that we maybe the bad guys here.

Captain America: Yeah.

More HYDRA agents arrive as Cap, Hellboy, & Miles aid The Hulk against them.

Crossbones: Hold it right there!

Captain America: Crossbones?

Captain America: Crossbones?

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