Chapter 25

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Location: Kang's Citidel

The Paragons & Jessica Davis were shocked to see that Kang has a variant of Jessica Davis. But this variant is the wife of Kang, Ravonna Renslayer.

Jessica Davis: What is this?

Mircea: Ravonna Renslayer, she was the princess of one of Kang's subject kingdoms. He forced her to marry him. She didn't love him at first.

Kang The Conqueror: Eventually she did. I earned her love. Then one day everything changed. When I refuses to execute Ravonna, my commanders revolted against me. I needed help. I'd had the Guardians of the Galaxy imprisoned, so I asked for their help in exchanged for their freedom. We managed to subdue them. But Ravonna... she was mortally wounded when she leaped in front of a blast meant for me. That's when she realized that she does love me after all. I returned the Guardians to their present, and places her body in stasis.

Mircea: I thought she was dead.

Kang The Conqueror: You thought wrong, cosmic goddess.

Batman: You're planning on transferring Ravonna's conscience onto Jessica Davis.

Jessica Davis: What?

The Flash: The plans that Terry found from Powers.

Batman: But transferring Ravonna could kill Jessica.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: WHAT?

Jessica Davis: Kill me?

Kang The Conqueror: Not my problem.

Everyone looks at the machine as Doc Ock takes out the Speed Force batteries and inserts it into the machine.

Donnie: That machine. That's the same machine that big head guy was working on.

The Flash: And Kang had Derek Powers & Green Goblin syphon off the Speed Force for the batteries.

Doc Ock: The machine is ready, my lord.

Jessica Davis: No! You're not sticking me in that thing!

Jessica begins to run away as she makes her way to the door. The door opens up only for Ultron to be holding a staff with a stone as he touches Jessica's chest with it. Jessica's eyes goes white as she suddenly stops.

Ultron: Turn around and listen to Kang.

Jessica Davis: Yes, Ultron.

The paragons take a good look at the staff and cannot believe what they are seeing.

Buffy Summers: Is that...?

Kang The Conqueror: The Mind Stone. One of the Infinity Stones.

Jessica begins walking back towards Kang.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Jessica, NO!

Kang The Conqueror: Jessica, get on the machine.

Jessica hops on the machine as Baxter Stockman hooks it up to her head with a headband with wires.

Batman: Kang, don't do it!

Doc Ock now hooks the chamber pod with Ravonna to the machine.

Doc Ock: Everything is ready.

Kang The Conqueror: Begin.

Doc Ock & Baxter turn the machine on as the transferring begins. The power from the Speed Force batteries powers the machine up. Ravonna's conscience now enter through Jessica Davis' mind as the machine now turns off.

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