Chapter 4

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Location: Evergreen County, California

One minute Hannah Baker was with her family, the next she's not. When Hannah saw a younger version of herself inside her parent's house, she thought she time traveled. But she didn't.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Twin sister? I don't have a twin. Who are you?

Katherine Baker: Katherine Baker, who the fuck are you and why are you in my house?

Hannah now realizes that she didn't time traveled, she hopped universes.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: I'm in another universe? What's going on?

Katherine Baker: That's what I want to know. Who are you and why do you look like me, like my twin? But older.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: I'm not old. I'm only 29.

Katherine Baker: You know what I mean! Now tell me who you are before I call the police!

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Okay. Just give me a minute. (Exhales) My name is Hannah Baker-Jensen. I'm from another universe. One where superheroes are real. I'm talking about Justice League, Avengers, all of them. They're real. I'm a Green Lantern and I'm a paragon. The Multiverse is real. I have no idea how I got here. I was here with my parents, my husband, & our 2 kids. Next thing I know... I'm here. I'm in a world where apparently I have a twin sister and I'm dead. Dead? Really?

Katherine Baker: You lost me at superheroes are real.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Shit. The important thing is that I'm Hannah. I'm really Hannah. Sorry to hear about yours. But I'm really Hannah.

Katherine begins to approach Hannah very slowly as she slowly puts her hand on Hannah's face.

Katherine Baker: You're real.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: I'm real.

Katherine Baker: You're really here.

A tear begins to fall from Katherine's eye.

Katherine Baker: How?

Hannah Baker-Jensen: I don't know. What happened?

They both sit down as Katherine explains to Hannah her life's story. Everything that happened to Hannah prior to Crisis happened to the Hannah of this Earth. Katherine tells Hannah about herself.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: So you're popular at Liberty & you're a cheerleader?

Katherine Baker: Is that too hard to believe?

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Well, yeah. I never saw myself as a cheerleader, let alone my identical twin.

Katherine Baker: You don't have a twin sister?

Hannah Baker-Jensen: I'm a only child to Andy & Olivia Baker.

Katherine Baker: My parents are also Andy & Olivia Baker.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Where are they?

Katherine Baker: At the store. My parents...

Hannah Baker-Jensen: Own a store. Let me guess, it's not going well especially with Wal Plex around.

Katherine Baker: Correct.

They both giggle.

Hannah Baker-Jensen: If you don't mind me asking...

Katherine Baker: How did you die?

Hannah nods at Katherine.

Katherine Baker: (Exhales) She slit her wrist. In the bath tub. I was the one who found her.

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