Chapter 41 .

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Angelina Lee .
Pakeeza's Mom' s POV .
I year later .

Flashback .

" You know , your sister is in college and all ... " -

" Yes , mom ? " -

" I think we should have The Talk . " -

" Mom , no ! " - Pakeeza screams shutting her laptop .

" You are a seventeen year old teenager , plus if you ask me , it has long been coming . " -

" I know you're bored that sister is not here but no , no , no ! " -

" Anyway , I just wanted you to know that when you meet a boy you like so much ... " -

" Arghhhh ! " - she screams and starts running to her room .

" Stop running and listen to me , young lady ! " - I walk fast to catch up with her .

" Mom I don't need it ! Muslims aren't allowed to date anyway . " -

" oh ... yeah . " -

" So you don't need to worry , I know my do's and don't s " -

" Good , * sighs from relief * the reason why I wanted to have The talk is because of that boy next door . " -

" What has he done now ? " -

" I know you don't see it but he has been ogling you and I just know it ! " -

" No he hasn't. " - she gets off the bed to pick up a book from her shelf .

" You've forgotten I'm a woman too . I can sense these things . " -

" Mom , stop talking about this please . " - she turns to look at me .

" Do you think I don't feel uncomfortable talking about this . " -

" Then . Just . Stop . Mom ! " she laughs .

" It's a parental responsibility and I have to go through with this . " -

" * sigh * I'm craving ice cream Mom , Can we go to Johnny's . " -

" I know you just want to change the subject , but I also crave it too and ... I'll be able to convince you about our neighbour's son . " -

" You miss sister , don't you . " -

I nod .

" ok then * squats in front of me * , why don't we take a detour drive down to her school to pay her a surprise visit . " -

" Thank you ! Let me take some pictures to show her roommate . " - I've already rushed downstairs .

" Mom , no ! " -

End of flashback .

" Do you remember all those days we spent together .
All those times we cried over a dead character in a movie or the times we laughed at your sister eating Italian " - * sniff *

How long are you going to do this to us .

I hold my daughter's hand .

How long are you going to be in this coma , Pakeeza . How long .

Never ending tears start flooding my cheeks .

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