After Church

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*Blitz, Simmons, and Grif go back to the roof of the base after Church's death with Donut standing there*

Donut: What happened?

Grif: [tired] BIG... TANK... SHOOT... WhOOO!

Blitz: It was GIGANTIC!! And Grif you are really fat.

Simmons: Yeah, I mean damn, man. We only ran, like, 300 feet. You are REALLY out of shape.

Blitz: Yeah! You need to work out man.

Grif: [tired] FUCK... THE... BOTH... OF... YOU!!

Donut:  Where's your car?

Blitz: Warthog.

Donut: Warthog.

Simmons: General Patton here *gestures to Grif* had a great strategy to leave it behind.

Grif: Hey, it would've worked if that tank hadn't shown up.

Blitz: Yeah if we knew how to climb you bitch.

Donut: You lost the jeep? Oh man, Lopez is gonna get pissed. Where is it?

Blitz: Speaking of which where is Lopez?

*explosion and the Warthog crashed beside Blitz, Grif, and Simmons*

Grif: What the hell?

*Shiela and Caboose shoot at them*

Grif: SON OF A BITCH!!!!

Blitz: *pulls out his sniper rifle* SHIT!!!! They followed us!

Donut: Oh crap! What the hell is that thing!?

Grif: That's the tank!

Donut: *picks up the flag* Hey, uh... Grif, uh, you wanna hold the flag for a little bit?

Grif: No! Get that thing away from me!

Blitz: Well I can. *takes the flag from Donut's hands and hides inside the base*

Donut: Wow! Thanks!

With the Blues

*Shiela and Caboose keep on firing missiles at them while Tucker just stands there*

Tucker: Why do you keep firing at the jeep?

Caboose: [still won't say it] Because it's locked on!

*Shiela fires while saying "firing main cannon"*

Tucker: Well, unlock it!

Caboose: Last time I unlocked it, I killed Church!

Tucker: Oh, right. Keep shooting the jeep, then.

Back to the Reds

Donut: [hiding] I hate to be the one to point this out, guys. But I think we're screwed.

Simmons: [hiding] Yeah, I have to agree with the Rookie on this one.

[the radio activates]


*a bunch of Pelicans is going to Blood Gulch Alpha*

Sarge: [radio] Come in Blood Gulch Outpost, come in. Do you read me? This is Sargeant-

Back to Blood Gulch

Grif: Oh my God, Sarge! Is that you?

Sarge: [radio] Rodger that, Private. I am currently inbound to your position from Command-


Sarge: [radio] Oh... Okay.

Simmons: Sir, this is Simmons!

Sarge: [radio] Hello, Simmons. What has happened back there?

Grif: Let's just say... Things are hectic right now. The new Rookie arrived, and somehow managed to infiltrate the Blue Base. And now we have their flag, the Warthog is damaged, one of there's guys are dead, and there's this huge fucking tank about to destroy our base.

Blitz: If I only had a rocket launcher.

[radio noise]

???: [radio] HELLO!!

Blitz: Jesus Christ!

Grif: Who are you?!

???: [radio] I'll tell you soon one of my other pals is going to be here but I arrived early!

Sarge: [radio] Yep our new recruit and he's shown me that he's an incredibly badass! But let me ask this question... Am I talking to the right base?

Grif: Sarge, we are going to die here.

Blitz: Also, a new fucking recruit that's more badass than me? Fuck.

Sarge: [radio] Well then, hold tight recruit let's make them see you in action.

???: [radio] YAY!!!!

Sarge: [radio] He's a joyful little fella.

With the Blues

Tucker: *looks up* Uh-oh...

*suddenly a guy in yellow and grey armor goes outside of the Pelican then lands on Shiela's back tucker was about to shoot him but he used his shotgun to unarm Tucker then he runs away then the recruit raises his fist ready to punch it then his fist starts to glow and yellow and electric aura covers it*


Caboose: [panicked] I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW!!!!

???:  *jumps on Shiela's entrance where Caboose is* Ah don't worry. *holds the door and easily yanks it out allowing Caboose to escape then the uses his electric fist to punch Shiela heavily damaging her and as she explodes he jumps off and lands like Spider-man*

Caboose: [panicked] THANK YOU!!! *runs and says Oh, crap! 3 times and Running! 3 times also* Man, that was close. Who was that guy?

Tucker: Who cares, look at your tank.

Shiela: I'm scared, Dave. Will I dream? Daaaai-sy...

???: Um what? *goes to Red Base*


* a girl in white armor looks outside Blue Base seeing Shiela broken*

???: Should I? No they got this... *she goes to her room*


Caboose: SHIELA!!!!!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!

Tucker: What? No! Shiela! Shiela! Wait... Who's Shiela?

Caboose: [sad] Shiela's the lady in the tank. She was my friend.

Tucker: Oh, dude! I knew you could pick up chicks in a tank. Hey, let's send the other Rookie.

Caboose: There's another Rookie?

Tucker: Yeah! *goes to Blue Base*


Blitz: That was the coolest fucking thing I'VE SEEN!!! WHO ARE YOU?!

???: My name's Gold W. Light but some call me Freelancer Philippines I'll explain what's a Freelancer.

Grif: SWEET!


*Tucker made it to Blue Base*

Tucker: HEY!! LILITH!! ROOKIE!!!

*suddenly a girl with white armor stands in front of him*

Lilith: Y-yeah?

Tucker Bow-chicka-bow-wow! Also, I need you to infiltrate Red Base.

Lilith: WHAT?! But...but...okay... *a few tears leave her eyes as she picks up her plasma pistol and goes to Red Base*

To be Continued

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now