An Audience of Dumb Part: 1

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*Sheila and Lopez approaching Red Base. Tucker driving Sheila*

Tucker: Ahh, Sheila we have to slow down or we're gonna run into that jeep!

Sheila: Please take evasive action. Please take evasive action.

Tucker: You take evasive action! Hey, Lopez, help me out! Can't you talk to her?

Lopez: Perdóname. Pero no puedo hablar con mujeres bellas porque sudo. [Sorry. I'm not good at talking to beautiful women. I get sweaty.]

Pauline: How the hell do you get sweaty?

*Gold and Donut are crouching behind the Jeep*

Donut: Well old buddy, it looks like this is the end for us. Since we're going to die anyway, there's only one thing left for us to do. Gold-

Gold: Uhhh yeah?

Donut: -let's make a break for it!

Gold: Alright! In that case, let's go on 3.

Donut: Okay, you count.

Gold: Okay. (he turns around and Donut stands up) 1....(Donut runs away) 2.....(he turns around and sees Donut running) What the- HEY! *gets run over by Shiela crushing him, launching the Warthog, and Lopez*

Inside Red Base

Sarge: Good golly Miss Molly what is going on out there?!

Donut: Sir, the Blues are attacking with their tank. Th-they blew up the Warthog! Again.

Simmons: I wonder what ever jeeps did to those guys.

Donut: Gold and I had barely had enough time to make it out of there. Right Gold?

Gold: *enters Red Base and is recovering* Yep! After you abandoned me...

*Inside Caboose's Mindscape*

Church: Why the hell did they pair me up with you?

Mind Church: I want to keep an eye on you!

Church: Well, this is going to be a great trip.

*Mind Church approaches the ledge overlooking the area*

Mind Church: Attention Reds! The great Caboose demands an audience with you! So listen up, you blowjobbing cocksuckers!

*Caboose's Red Team appears as Sarge has a pirate's accent, Grif with yellow armor, a female Donut, Lilith, and Gold with a ring on their fingers*

Mind Simmons: Caboose? Oh no, he's come to kill us!

Mind Grif: Would someone please help me, I don't want to die!

Mind Donut: I love Caboose, and yet I'm so afraid of him!

Mind Sarge: Argh, I be having a southern accent, your luck.

Mind Donut: He's so scary.

Mind Gold: Hi! We're married!

Mind Caboose: Fear not reds, I come here not to destroy but instead to ask for your assistance on this day.

Church: Okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, I gotta correct a few things I'm hearing here. First of all you (to Mind Church) you're not Caboose's best friend, okay? You don't have a best friend, ya know why? You don't need one! You're Church! Knowing other people just waters down the experience. Live the dream buddy.

Mind Church: Shove it, dick sniffer!

Church: And Caboose, come on dude, seriously. Have you paid attention to our enemies for one second?

Mind Caboose: I beg your pardon?

Church: First of all that guy (referring to Grif) he's not yellow, he's orange. And since when is there a girl on the red team?

Mind Donut: My favorite thing is pretty dresses.

Mind Sarge: Argh, I got termites in me leg!

Church: And that is not a southern accent.

Mind Sarge: Argh!

Mind Donut: Do you have any tampons?

Church: Also those two. *gesturing to Gold and Lilith* Aren't married.

Mind Lilith: Of course, we are you dummy. By the way, I still hate you.

Church: Seriously, what is the matter with you people?

Tex: Calm down Church.

Mind Grif: Don't kill us Mister Sidekick!

Mind Church: Hey butt brunch! I'm Caboose's sidekick, not him, so shut your pie hole! *he's suddenly shot in the head by a sniper rifle*

Church: Leonard, are you okay?

Mind Church: Ah, please! That fudge finger couldn't hit me. No wait, I'm gonna die. Herg! (collapses) Blow me. (dies)

Tex: There he is!

To be Continued

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