Points of Origin

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Tex: As far as I'm concerned, I'm square with you.

Pauline: It does seem like it.

Ghost Church: I saved you two from a life of imprisonment. How the hell are you two square with me?

Pauline: Well I did fake being unconscious and then saved Tex and... you were just there.

Tex: I agree and also because I didn't kill you back at Sidewinder.

Ghost Church: You know I don't see how you did anything Tex and I also don't really see how not killing somebody is the same thing as doing them a favor.

Pauline: Well if you don't appreciate her, we could just kill you right now and turn your ghost into a double ghost.

Ghost Church: I'd like to see you try!

*Tex then leans forward*

Ghost Church: NO! Don't hurt me!

Tex: Heh knew it.

Caboose: (upset) STOP IT! STOP FIGHTING!! Can't you see that you're tearing us apart? WHAT ABOUT US?!?!

Tex: What about you?

Caboose: We helped you too!

Pauline: Really? Didn't seem like it you were just running around and stuff.


Tex: Well yeah, but...

Pauline: Uhm...

Ghost Church: Yeah, but nothin'. He's got a point.

Pauline: Hmph! We got the flag back! I tried to take the Reds flag also!

Tex: She has a point.

Tucker: Yeah but you were paid to do that. We rescued you as a favor Tex. We could've let you rot in Red Base Prison. It wouldn't matter to us.

Tex: Fine! I'll stay here but only because Pauline here agrees with me. Then I'm going to get outta here. What do you need me to do?

Pauline: Well fixing the tank seems like a good option.

Tex: Okay.

Caboose: W-wait, you- you two know how to fix Shilea? I love you two.

At Red Base

*Gold and Lopez are talking in Spanish*

Lilith: Man. He is good at this.

Simmons: Yeah he kind of is.

Grif: *sighs* Oh boy. This is going to be a while...

Lilith: You guys wanna play Uno?

Grif and Simmons: Sure...

Donut: I'm from Iowa.

Lilith: Oh good for you Donut.

Back with the Blues

*Pauline and Tex are fixing the tank while Tucker and Caboose watch*

Ghost Church: Okay guys here are some news. When I was over at Red Base I saw they already got their jeep fixed. So, whatever you do, don't let them see us before we get Shiela online.

Pauline: We've got it fixed! *flips the tank then shoots at the sky removing the Pibby Corruption* Why does the Author have to write some weird ass bullshit?

Tex: Don't ask me.

Caboose: They are very strong ladies.

Ghost Church: I'm the one that's least visible, so I'm going to head up here to higher ground, I'll keep an eye on the Red Base. If I see anything, I'll let you know.

Caboose: Great! I'll come with you!

Ghost Church: Um yeah no. *leaves*

Caboose: ...He'll be back.

Ghost Church: No I won't!


???: I'm here bro... where are you? Hmph. Looks like I need to blend in with the mortals. *takes a purple and black Mjolnir Armor and wears it* Phew. I'll find you... and I'll bring you back. *takes two silver-bladed fans and summons fire teleporting her*


*Tucker is talking to Pauline*

Pauline: So yeah... lots has happened.

Tucker: Yeah... it has...

Ghost Church: HEY TUCKER!!!

Tucker: *turns to Ghost Church* What?

Ghost Church: What the hell is my body still doing up here?

Pauline: That's part of being dead... no one cares because you are a ghost.

Ghost Church: Fuck you.

Pauline: Asshole.

Ghost Church: Cunt.

Pauline: Bitch.

Ghost Church: *sighs* To be Continued folks.

*The screen turns o black*

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now