Radar Love vs Inactivite Hate

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*Lilith goes to the Warthog to see if anyone has died luckily no one didn't die*

Lilith: [concerned] HOLY SHIT! Is everyone okay!?

Sarge: Don't worry missy! I'm okay.

Simmons: Phew! I'm okay too.

Sarge: Hey where's Blitz?

Blitz: I'm here! *looks at the Warthog* Yeesh! The Puma really took a beating.

Sarge: Warthog.

Blitz: Warthog.

Lilith: Okay Gold I need-! Wait... where's Gold...?

*The Reds look around*

Sarge: I think! He's... kidnapped! The only one who could've done it is, those dirty Blues! And maybe Lopez got him too!

Lilith: Let's check.

Simmons: I'll go get backup! *as he goes to the base Lilith, Sarge, and Blitz go to Blue Base*

At Blue Base

*Tex had woken up and tried to figure out why Caboose's personality changes every now and then, and Pauline was dizzy no more and helping Cyan Lopez fix Shelia. Ghoul Church was watching Tex with a look of concern*

Ghoul Church: Hey Tex are you okay?

Tex: Hm! Yeah, I'm okay.

Ghoul Church: You sure? Cause you've been mumbling to yourself all day.

Tex: Yep!

Caboose: Tucker! I thought we were gonna reprogram him!

Tucker: Well change of plans I guess.

Pauline: Tucker I need a wrench, please.

Tucker: Mine~ or the metal thingy?

Pauline: The thingy.

*As Tucker goes to get the wrench Caboose? Tries to shoot him but fails... and the rest of the Blues don't seem to notice or care*

Caboose: [deep voice] What the hell! He didn't even care! Do any of you care!?

The Blues - Caboose: Huh?/ What?/ Who?/ How?/ Nyeh?

Caboose: [deep voice] Wh- WHAT THE-

*suddenly a shotgun noise was heard! All the Blues looked where it came from and it came from Sarge suddenly Shiela reactivates turns out Pauline had put a self-repair function in her*

Shiela: Systems are fully optional.

Caboose: Shiela!

Pauline: It worked! I mean, of course, it worked!

Lilith: OH SHIT!

Cyan Lopez: Hola. (Hello.)

Sheila: OH! Hi!

Pauline: Yes hello! Mrs. Tank! I have brought you back from the... A.I. afterlife! I-is there such a thing?

Sheila: I wasn't talking to you.

Pauline: Shocked and offended GASP!

Caboose: I knew it! She was talking to me.

Sheila: Not you either.

Caboose: [deep voice] YOU TAKE THAT BACK!

Shiela: I was talking to the cobalt one.

*Cyan Lopez robot blushes*

Lilith: What is going on?

Ghoul Church: You see what I have to do?! I just need a stress toy once in a while!

Lilith: ...huh. I'm starting to see your point.

Ghoul Church: Yeah... apology later. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ALL HERE?!?!?!?!??!!?

Blitz: WHERE'S GOLD!!?!!

Tex: What the HELL DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?! Also. Hi Blitz!

Blitz: Hey Allison.

Sarge: You Blues had kidnapped the darn fella and you don't know where you put him!?

Pauline: We didn't kidnap him! And if we did we would know where he is!

Blitz: She's... got a point...

*A long silence was there*

Lilith: Fuck it, I'm going to look for him.

Pauline: I'm bored. Might as well help could be fun.

Sarge: Hehehe! *cocks shotgun* This may seem like fun.

*Sarge, Pauline, and Lilith go find Gold and where ever he could be*

Caboose: Welp! Seems like it's going to be us today-

Cyan Lopez: HGERGRKGERK!!!

Tex: WOAH!

Ghoul Church: WHAT THE FUCK!? Who possessed him!?!

Bliss: *controlling Lopez* Where's Gold!?

Author: Well things sure went differently didn't they? So... who kidnapped Gold? Will the rest of the Reds go and help them? Will Simmons and Grif get brutally injured that Grif will get Simmons's organs and Simmons will get robot parts?! PROBABLY YES!!!

Bliss: Shut up Author.

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesWhere stories live. Discover now