Knock, knock. Who's there? Pain.

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*Lopez is fixing the Warthog while Sarge and Grif are talking*

Grif: And then I thought, you know, we could sneak around the side while they were hiding behind the rock, but, uh, well that's when the tank showed up and... shit just started blowin' up. I don't know.

Blitz: *appears* But yeah that's what happened.

Sarge: *sighs* you have any godly idea how much this piece of equipment costs?

Grif: I-I don't know, like, uh, what...ten, t-ten-twenty, twenty-five bucks, maybe? Uh...

Blitz: You're going to kill him now, aren't you?

Sarge: Yep, but tell you what Grif. I'm a fair man. I'll give you a ten-second head start before I let Lopez and my son do anything they want to you. 

Blitz: Oh yeah. *readies his assault rifle*

Grif: Guys, I just want you to know, I'm, really, really sorry here, and-

Sarge: Five Mississippi. *continues to count up as Lopez readies his assault rifle*

Grif: Okay, uh, I guess I better get going then. *walks to base as the three Reds look at each other and then fire at Grif* Hey guys, that's not funny! Somebody could get hurt here. *then he enters the base where he hears snoring so he goes to Gold's room and as he enters he gets shocked and very pissed off* GOLD!!! LILITH!!

Gold: [naked] *awakes* Who huh!? *sees Grif* It's what it looks like I'm sorry.

Grif: You son of a BITCH-

Cut to Tex shooting

Tucker: That's basically, it sir. They have five guys over there and a big jeep.

Tex: [voice filter] And your flag.

Tucker: Right, that too.

*Tex throws a grenade at the sky and it explodes*

Tucker: Uh, hey, Tex? I don't know what it's been like at your other bases, but we don't use other soldiers as target practice here.

*The camera turns to Caboose*

Caboose: I'm scared.

*Tex stops firing*

Tucker: So, you've got the Special Forces black armor, I see. Were you in the Special Forces at some point? Yeah, I used to have black armor too. It was black because I got this stuff all over it from th-

*Tex leaves*

Tucker: O-oh, okay, you gotta go? I'll see you later.

Caboose: *whispering* I don't think he likes you.

Tucker: Thanks. *he and Caboose go to the edge of the roof of Blue Base* Where are you going?

Tex: [voice filter] Red Base. Kill everybody. Get the flag back. *goes to Red Base*

Caboose: Oh. Okay! We'll just stay here and guard the *realizes Tex won't listen* trans...porter.

Tucker: Hey do you know when I was a kid I knew this girl who was the adopted daughter of the Master Chief?

Caboose: You're joking.

Tucker: Oh no I'm not.


*Grif is beating up Gold somehow*

Lilith: [naked] Bro calm down!

Grif: [mad] I will NOT!!!

Gold: [naked] I said I'm sorry! *gets punched buy Grif* Ah dammit!

Grif: [mad] FINE. *stops beating up Gold* But if he ever breaks your heart I will KILL HIM!!! *exits*

Red vs Blue with one Helluva Visitor: Blood Gulch ChroniclesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora